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Play Smart

202205-WFI-05-STILES.jpg d'Aly Stiles - SmartyPants Romance (2022)

Résumé : Nash Ellis knows music. Producing, performing, writing—if it involves the creative process he’s there for it. He knows nothing about copy machines. Or financial reports. Or anything related to the stuck-up business world his best friends have been chasing since they were kids. But Nash also needs money, so when his roommate gets him a paid internship at Reedweather Media, he reluctantly agrees. At least his know-it-all intern competitor is kind of cute in a nerdy-librarian sort of way—especially when she’s being tormented by an angsty rocker she can’t stand.

The only thing Paige Andrews hates more than failure? Nash Ellis. She has little patience for incompetence and zero tolerance for indifference. He clearly doesn’t belong in their corporate world, so why does he insist on ruining her dream job? And the worst part—he’s not what he seems. In fact, it’s all the things he’s hiding behind those electric blue eyes that make him straight-up captivating in an ironic-slacker sort of way.

But their smoldering friction bursts into open flames when the feuding interns are forced into a high-stakes mission that requires intimate knowledge of the music industry. Yep, what could go wrong when the least-qualified candidate to ever walk the halls of a major corporation becomes their only hope of success?

4 tomes après Street Smart, on se retrouve à Reedweather Media avec un nouveau couple de stagiaires forcés de travailler ensemble : Nash, un des colocataires de Marcos, musicien déchu, a pris le job par nécessité financière et Paige, voulant à tout prix réussir pour devenir une cheffe d'entreprise. Ici encore, nos deux héros vont être au coeur d'une opération spéciale pour contrer une entreprise concurrente tout en sabotant celle où ils sont... et évidemment c'est Marcos et Eva qui les embarquent dans la suite de leur plan ^^

Cette histoire est encore plus farfelue que celle de Street Smart, Aly Stiles nous offre des situations tordant agrémentées de dialogues digne des meilleures comédies. Et puis surtout, nous avons le retour de Chad et son délire de mer-nuts xD ce personnage nécessiterait son propre roman tellement il est énorme.

Paige et Nash n'ont rien en commun et pourtant ils vont réussir à travailler ensemble et à saboter les plans diaboliques des deux entreprises. L'attraction qu'ils ont l'un pour l'autre est électrique, ils font des étincelles dès qu'ils succombent à leurs sentiments.

Aly Stiles nous rappelle qu'on peut lire des romances avec des intrigues complètement barrée, qui ont pas besoin d'être hyper crédibles, du moment que le rythme comique est là et que les personnages tiennent la route. Je le recommande à celles et ceux qui cherchent à passer un bon moment, sans prise de tête et sans drame.

ali stiles,play smart,smartypants romance

4 books after Street Smart, we find ourselves again at Reedweather Media with a new couple of interns forced to work together : Nash, one of Marcos' roommates, a fallen musician, took the job out of financial necessity and Paige, wanting to succeed at all costs to become a business leader. Here again, our two heroes will be at the heart of a special operation to counter a competing company while sabotaging the one where they are... and obviously it's Marcos and Eva who take them on board in the rest of their plan ^^

This story is even wackier than that of Street Smart, Aly Stiles offers us twisting situations embellished with dialogues worthy of the best comedies. And above all, we have the return of Chad and his delirium of sea-nuts xD this character would require his own novel because he is so huge.

Paige and Nash have nothing in common and yet they manage to work together and sabotage the diabolical plans of the two companies. The attraction they have for each other is electric, they make sparks as soon as they succumb to their feelings.

Aly Stiles reminds us that you can read romances with completely crazy plots, which don't have to be super believable, as long as the comic rhythm is there and the characters hold up. I recommend it to anyone looking to have a good time, without headaches and without drama.

Find Aly Stiles online
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/alystiles
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Website: http://www.alystiles.com/
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Lost Track

Lost-Track-Generic.jpg d'Heidi Hutchinson - SmartyPants Romance (2022)

Résumé : Sabine Debois likes her wine pink and her life predictable. As a private tutor for the rich and famous, she doesn’t get starstruck. But when a tattooed espresso fiend saves her from death by sweater, she’s a little bit… grateful. That’s all. Just grateful.

Sunshine Capone just had the best album of his career, and then his girlfriend burned down his house. Well, his ex-girlfriend now. So he moved to Chicago to focus on his music and avoid the drama of relationships.

He should not be creating any excuse to hang out with the sweet teacher with the hazel eyes and bright smile. She doesn’t need his kind of confusion in her life.

But Sabine’s about to teach this superstar a thing or two about peace, love, and understanding.

Je suis un peu plus partagée sur cette romance, j'ai trouvé les premiers chapitres un peu confus, n'arrivant pas à cerner les personnages et à quoi ressemblaient leurs vies. Même si j'avoue que la scène de rencontre est un véritable meet-cute ! Bref, j'ai pas de suite accrocher à leur personnalité, et il m'a bien fallu la moitié du bouquin pour les trouver choupi-chou.

Je pense que ce qui a beaucoup aidé à apprécier la romance est les personnages secondaires : les deux meilleurs amis de Dave et la copine et le frère (qu'on voit trop peu) de Sabine. En fait c'est grâce à ce petit monde que le livre se tient, car ça aurait été très chaotique sans eux.

Un des points positif de cette romance est la représentation du trouble de l'attention et de l'hyperactivité dont souffre le héros. Quand on est dans sa tête, on se rend compte de ce que c'est au quotidien, tant pour lui que pour ses amis et sa famille.

Donc voilà, une romance sympa, mais qui sera pas dans mes préférées.

heidi hutchinson,lost track,smartypants romance

I'm a little more divided on this romance, I found the first chapters a bit confusing, not being able to identify the characters and what their lives looked like. Even if I admit that the first meeting scene is a real meet-cute ! In short, I did not immediately click with their personalities, and it took me half the book to find them adorable.

I think what really helped to appreciate the romance are the secondary characters : Dave's two best friends and Sabine's BFF and brother (who we see too little). In fact it is thanks to this small world that the book is held, because it would have been very chaotic without them.

One of the positive points of this romance is the representation of the ADHD from which the hero suffers. When you're in his head, you realize what it's like on a daily basis, both for him and for his friends ad family.

So a nice romance, but one which will not be in my favorites.

Find Heidi online
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/heidirhutchinson
Website: https://www.heidih.net/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heidi_hutchinson/

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Not Since Ewe

Not-Since-Ewe-Generic.jpg de Susannah Nix - Smartypants Romance (2022)

Résumé : Tess McGregor doesn’t need anyone. So what if she doesn’t have any close friends or family anymore? Her successful consulting business keeps her so busy she barely has time to be lonely. She’s got her life organized exactly the way she wants it.

Until the daughter she gave up for adoption 30 years ago tracks her down. Tess doesn’t know anything about being a mother, but now that she’s met Erin, she’ll do anything to stay in her life. Even if it means facing the life-ruining jerk who got Tess pregnant in high school and broke her heart.

Donal Larkin would do anything for a second chance. He’s divorced, his kids hardly talk to him, and he works so much he barely has time to eat. But when he’s united with the daughter he never had a chance to know, he vows to make up for past mistakes.

Step one is proving to Tess he’s not the same unreliable kid she knew 30 years ago. And maybe if he’s lucky he can win back the heart of the girl he never got over…

Je vous préviens, il faut vous préparer à lire une romance chargée en émotions, avec la famille au coeur de cette romance.

La vie de Tess est complètement chamboulée le jour où elle reçoit un message de sa fille, Erin, celle qu'elle donné à l'adoption 30 ans plus tôt. N'ayant pas eu d'autres enfants et étant pour le moment célibataire, Tess va devoir faire face à tout un tas de nouveaux sentiments, de stress et de doute.

En plus de cela, c'est à elle d'aller annoncer à Donal, le papa biologique d'Erin, que sa fille veut le rencontrer. Donal et Tess étaient adolescents quand ils se sont connus et eu leur quelques mois de romance... Malheureusement, rien ne les aurait préparé à être parents si jeunes : Donal n'était pas un garçon fiable dans ses engagement, Tess trop concentrée sur ses études.

Aujourd'hui, 30 ans après, Tess et Donal ont beaucoup à se dire, beaucoup de souvenirs à éclaircir, mais aussi des sentiments à s'avouer et une étincelle reprenant vie à gérer. Car une chose est certaine, ces deux-là n'ont jamais arrêter de s'aimer malgré tout une vie qui les a séparé.

Pour celles et ceux qui désespèrent de trouver des romances avec des quasi cinquantenaires, ce livre est pour vous. Très bien écrit, l'auteur aborde le sujet de l'abandon et de l'adoption sans en faire un sujet uniquement triste. Les deux héros ont fait ce qu'ils ont pu avec ce qu'ils avaient, cette romance n'est pas l'histoire de la fille voulant rencontrer ses parents, mais des parents qui se recroisent et renouent une relation car tous deux souhaitent rencontrer leur fille. Erin est juste un prétexte et un contexte, elle n'est pas là pour causer les obstacles, Tess et Donal s'en chargent très bien tous seuls.

susannah nix,not since ewe,smartypants romance

I'm warning you, you have to be prepared to read this emotionally charged novel, with family at the heart of this romance.

Tess' life is completely turned upside down the day she receives a message from her daughter, Erin, the one she gave up for adoption 30 years ago. Having had no other children and being single for the moment, Tess will have to deal with a whole lot of new feelings, stress and doubt.

On top of that, it's up to her to go tell Donal, Erin's biological dad, that his daughter wants to meet him. Donal and Tess were teenagers when they met and had their few months of romance... Unfortunately, nothing would have prepared them to be parents so young : Donal was not a reliable boy, Tess too focused on her studies.

Today, 30 years later, Tess and Donal have a lot to say to each other, a lot of memories to clarify, but also feelings to confess and a spark coming back to life to manage. Because one thing is certain, these two have never stopped loving each other despite being separated by a life.

For those who are desperate to find romances with near fifty-year-olds, this book is for you. Very well written, the author addresses the subject of abandonment and adoption without making it a sad subject. The two heroes did what they could with what they had, this romance is not the story of the girl wanting to meet her parents, but of the parents who meet again and renew a relationship because they both want to meet their daughter. Erin is just a pretext and a context, she is not there to cause the obstacles, Tess and Donal take care of it very well on their own.

Find Susannah Nix online
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B072KHZS5W
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susannahnix/
Facebook Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/160037207970579/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/susannah-nix
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susannahnixauthor/
Twitter: @Susannah_Nix
Website: https://www.susannahnix.com/

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