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Passing Notes

208449822.jpg de Nora Evely - SmartyPants Romance (à paraître le 25 avril 2024)

Résumé : When the one who got away moves in next door…

Clara Hill wants to be left alone. Sitting on her porch watching everyone else’s lives go by is way more fun than dealing with her own problems.Or at least that’s what she thought. Now that her secret high school sweetheart is her next door neighbor, she’s not so sure anymore.

Being back in Green Valley was hard enough without having her first love right there within touching distance.Especially when he’s so stubbornly determined to flash his unforgettable smile at her every chance he gets and reminding her of when she thought she’d found her happily ever after.

Once upon a time, Nick Easton thought he had it all.A football scholarship, his dream girl, and a future so bright he couldn’t wait to get started.But, like everything else in his life, it all came toppling down.Now he’s content to raise his kids, teach English, and coach football at Green Valley High.He has no time for things like romance, and dating, and starting over…He’s fine being alone. Who needs love ?

But when he catches a glimpse of his new neighbor his quiet little world turns upside down, lighting a fire that makes him determined to reclaim all he thought was gone forever.After all these years, can he convince Clara to give him another shot?Or will their love story stay hidden in their past?

Note : 5/5 ♥♥♥♥♥

Clara et Nick étaient adolescents quand ils ont eu le coup de foudre l'un pour l'autre, venant de milieux sociaux différents, ils ont tenu leur relation secrète. Un concours de circonstances (que je ne peux pas spoiler) les ont fait partir chacun de leur côté vivre leurs vies.

15 ans lus tard, leurs routes se croisent à nouveau et leur amour reprend vie, d'ailleurs ils n'ont jamais cessé de s'aimer. Ce roman raconte leur seconde chance, comment les blessures du passé affectent toujours les choix du présent et comment accepter ce qui ne peut être changé.

Je ne voudrais pas en révéler trop sur cette romance que j'ai beaucoup aimé, alors je ferais court pour une fois. L'auteur a su très bien mettre en place la tension romantique en Clara et Nick, on sent que ces deux-là sont faits l'un pour l'autre, c'est juste une histoire de temps et et communication.

Mention spéciale pour tous les personnages secondaires : les enfants de Nick qui sont adorables (de toute façon, c'est pas le propos d'avoir des gosses compliqués) ; les soeurs de Clara et spécifiquement Gracie ; et c'était pas mal de voir un peu l'évolution des soeurs Hill avec leur maman (dont on suivi les problèmes dans d'autres livres).


Clara and Nick were teenagers when they fell in love, coming from different social backgrounds, they had to keep their relationship a secret. A combination of circumstances (which I cannot spoil) made them each go their separate ways to live their lives.

15 years later, their paths cross again and their love comes back to life, but they have never stopped loving each other. This novel is about their second chance, how past hurts still affect present choices, and how to accept what cannot be changed.

I don't want to reveal too much about this romance that I really liked, so I'll keep it short for once. The author knew how to set up the romantic tension in Clara and Nick very well, we feel that these two are made for each other, it's just a story of time and communication.

Special mention for all the secondary characters : Nick's children are adorable (in thi story, there's no point of having complicated kids) ; Clara's sisters and specifically Gracie, and it was good to see the evolution of the Hill sisters with their mother (whose problems we followed in other books).


Architecture and Artistry

nora everly,architecture and artistry,smartypants romance de Nora Everly - Smartypants Romance (2022)

Résumé : Sadie Hill has a lot going on.

New job, twin boys, deadbeat ex, and a mother from hell. Her life is chaos and no matter how hard she holds on, every plan she makes flies straight out of her grasp. The last thing she needs is for her devastatingly hot co-worker to become her new neighbor. A distraction like Barrett does not fit into her precarious plans for the future.

Barrett Monroe has got it going on.

His wicked ex-wife is nothing but a memory, his daughter is back home where she belongs, and he loves his job. His control-freak ways have paid off and he can finally relax into his perfectly scheduled life—alone, just how he wants it. The last thing he needs is an irresistible single mom and her adorable kids to move in next door. Sadie was hard enough to stay away from when she was just his co-worker.

But one night spent stranded in a snowstorm together finds these two sneaking around, sharing stolen kisses, and losing their hearts. Will they give into the flying sparks between them? Or drive each other crazy fighting their feelings instead?

Enfin le tome de Barrett ! Après l'avoir aperçu en personnage secondaire des tomes de ses frères, on savait bien que l'ainé de la fratrie avait beaucoup de potentiel. Et Nora Everly ne nous a pas déçu *-*

Barrett est enfin à un moment de sa vie où tout semble calme : son ex-femme n'est plus qu'un lointain souvenir, sa fille est revenue vivre chez lui, son travail lui plait. Malheureusement pour lui, il n'arrête pas de penser à Sadie depuis qu'elle a emménagé à côté de chez lui. Il pouvait gérer quand il la voyait juste au travail, mais maintenant qu'il la côtoie dans la sphère privée, il ne peut s'empêcher de craquer encore plus pour elle et ses jumeaux terribles.

Sadie, de son côté, peut enfin commencer une vie normale : son divorce est enfin prononcé, et après avoir galéré elle peut enfin offrir une stabilité à ses enfants dans une maison dans sa ville natale, Green Valley. Emménagé avec sa soeur est aussi un avantage pour elle. On me mentionnera pas que Barrett est désormais son voisin, si elle peut éviter de sortir de chez elle en pyjama et les cheveux en bataille ça serait pas mal...

Sadie et Barrett se plaisent depuis longtemps, et maintenant qu'ils sont tous les deux divorcés, qu'est-ce qui les empêcheraient de tenter quelque chose ? Il leur en faut pas beaucoup pour finalement se sauter dessus, parcontre là où il va y avoir des difficultés vont être leurs enfants : les jumeaux sont jeunes et encore traumatisés pas l'abandon de leur père, la fille de 19 ans de Barrett est en pleine crise amoureuse elle aussi. A cela s'ajoute, le retour en ville de l'ex-mari de Sadie qui cherche les embrouilles.

Ce tome propose aussi une belle conclusion pour le clan Monroe avec plusieurs apparitions des 3 autres frères.

nora everly,architecture and artistry,smartypants romance

Finally Barrett's Book ! After having seen him as a secondary character in his brothers' books, we knew that the elder of the siblings had a lot of potential. And Nora Everly did not disappoint us *-*

Barrett is finally at a point in his life where everything seems calm : his ex-wife is just a distant memory, his daughter has returned to live with him, he likes his job. Unfortunately for him, he can't stop thinking about Sadie since she moved in next door. He could handle it when he just saw her at work, but now that he's around her in their private life, he can't help but fall for her and her terrible twins even more.

Sadie, for her part, can finally start a normal life: her divorce is done, and after struggling she can finally offer stability to her children in a house in her hometown, Green Valley. Moving in with her sister is also an advantage for her. No one will mention that Barrett is now her neighbor, if she can avoid leaving her house in her pajamas and her hair in disarray that would be great...

Sadie and Barrett have been attracted to each other for a long time, and now that they're both divorced, what's to stop them from trying something? It doesn't take much time for them to finally jump each other, but where there will be difficulties will be their children: the twins are young and still traumatized by the abandonment of their father, Barrett's 19-year-old daughter is in full love crisis too. Added to this is the return to town of Sadie's ex-husband who is looking for trouble.

This volume also offers a nice conclusion for the Monroe clan with several appearances of the 3 other brothers.

Find Nora Everly online
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2kuJmwL
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2kxjtwa
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2kx2f21
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2kuLMeI
Website: https://www.noraeverly.com/

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Hotshot and Hospitality

20210416-GVL08-EVERLY-EBOOK.jpg de Nora Everly - SmartyPants Romances 2021

Résumé : Molly Cooper is through with men. She means it this time. Being stood up and humiliated was the last straw.
But after her all grown up and smokin’ hot childhood bestie kissed her to help her save face, she’s left wondering if it was the tequila or his lips that gave her all the feels.

Garrett Monroe had no intention of falling for his childhood best friend. Unfortunately, one unplanned kiss in a bar was all it took for him to stumble. Now he’s stuck with a crush that won’t quit on the most stubborn woman he’s ever known.

Soon enough they’re overwhelmed by out-of-control feelings, one match making momma, and two tight knit families who think they’re dating when they’re not. Or are they?

Nothing stays secret in Green Valley, Tennessee. Can Molly and Garrett navigate the nosy waters and fall for each other in private?
Or will secrets sink their friendship instead?

J'ai été moins emballée par cette romance, c'était un peu too much dans la mièvrerie pour moi xD ... Ca me dérange pas quand c'est tout mimi tout plein, mais là j'avais l'impression que c'était forcé à certains moments.

Les personnages sont intéressants, leurs histoires personnelles aussi. L'intrigue est pas exceptionnelle, le fake-dating c'est pas nouveau dans la romance... Ce roman ne m'a pas déplu, mais j'ai pas adoré non plus, juste qu'il ne restera pas dans mon souvenir, je pense qu'il sera vite oublié avec le temps malheureusement. Et pourtant, j'avais bien aimé les tomes précédents avec les autres frères Monroe ^^.

Garrett et Molly ont énormément de potentiel, étant amis d'enfance, il y a tout un contexte entre eux, le passage de meilleurs amis à amants en passant par la case "on fait semblant" les chamboule un peu, mais en même temps c'est tellement logique. Enfin c'est logique pour leurs familles, leurs amis, tout Green Valley... sauf eux xD

Je pense qu'au bout d'un moment, j'en avais marre que Molly s'enfonce encore et encore dans son manque de confiance en elle, surtout quand Garrett fait tout pour la rassurer... Bon elle réalise vite son erreur, mais ça aurait pu être éviter, si elle s'était posé 2 secondes pour réfléchir, bref.

Sinon, je kiffe les frères de Molly, je veux leurs histoires (à ceux qui sont pas encore casés) xD

nora everly,hotshort and hospitality,smartypants romance

I was less thrilled by this romance, there was a little too much mushiness for me xD... I don't mind when it's all cute and lovely, but here I had the impression that it was forced sometimes.

The characters are interesting, their personal stories too. The plot is not exceptional, fake-dating is not new in romance... I didn't dislike it, but I didn't adore it either, just that it will not remain in my memory, I think it will be quickly forgotten over time unfortunately. And yet, I really liked the previous books with the other Monroe brothers ^^.

Garrett and Molly have a lot of potential, being childhood friends, there is a whole context between them, the transition from best friends to lovers, passing through the "we pretend to date" thing, upsets them a bit but at the same time it makes so much sense. Well, it makes sense for their families, their friends, all of Green Valley... except for them xD

I think after a while, I was weary of Molly drowning in her of self-doubt, especially when Garrett does everything to reassure her... she quickly realizes her mistake, but it could have been avoided if she had taken 2 seconds to think about it before acting on impulse.

Otherwise, I love Molly's brothers, I want their stories (those who are not yet settled) xD

Find Nora Everly online
Facebook : http://bit.ly/2kuJmwL
Twitter : http://bit.ly/2kxjtwa
Amazon : https://amzn.to/2kx2f21
Instagram : http://bit.ly/2kuLMeI
Website : https://www.noraeverly.com/

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