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Knock Out

jiffy kate,knock out,smartypants romance de Jiffy Kate - Smartypants Romance (2022)

Résumé : In the blink of an eye, Willow Bernard goes from stocking shelves at the Piggly Wiggly to kicking butt at Viking MMA.

Willow Bernard has taken a lot of hits in her twenty-two years but always manages to come back swinging. Hoping to fly under the radar for a change, she relocates to Green Valley. Her strategy works until one fateful phone call initiates a series of events that shakes up her quiet existence.

Tattooed adventure-seeker Ozzi Erickson goes where the wind takes him. When he blows into Green Valley for his big brother’s wedding—and to figure out his next move—he isn’t prepared for the knock-out punch coming his way.

With Ozzi sticking around the Tennessee mountain town, his brother gives him a temporary assignment as Willow Bernard’s trainer.

His job is to teach her how to fight. But will she have the skills required to protect her heart?

Willow et Ozzi ne pouvaient pas être plus différents l'un de l'autre.

Willow est arrivée à Green Valley avec l'intention d'y rester pour démarrer une nouvelle vie après sa sortie de famille d'accueil. Elle a un travail et espère un jour trouver mieux que son mobil home. Au début du roman, elle apprend que sa mère est décédée, elle ne l'avait plus aucun lien avec elle depuis 15 ans, et qu'elle a une petite soeur de 9 ans, Hazel. Si Willow ne devient pas sa tutrice légale, la petite fille ira en famille d'accueil elle aussi, Willow connait le système et ne veut absolument pas que cela arrive à sa soeur. Elle va donc tout mettre en place afin d'en obtenir la garde. Entre temps, après une mauvaise altercation dans un bar, on lui recommande d'aller faire un tour à Viking MMA, car a priori elle est une combattante née...

De son côté, Ozzi est de passage chez ses frères à Green Valley, avant dernier de la fratrie, il ne sait pas encore ce qu'il veut faire de sa vie. Sans attache, il part à l'aventure quand l'envie lui prend, n'étant pas encore prêt à se poser quelque part définitivement. Il est présent dans la salle de sport quand débarque une jour cette jeune femme un peu perdue, qui ne sait pas vraiment pourquoi elle est venue. C'est Cage qui lui fait passer un test pour voir son niveau, et elle est excellente, sans même avoir reçu d'entrainement. Etant bien occupé, Cage demande à Ozzi d'entrainer Willow (vu qu'il est là autant se rendre utile hein) et de la motiver à peut-être faire un premier combat professionnel.

Willow et Ozzi ont un truc entre eux, mais ils vont devoir d'abord s'apprivoiser car ils sont tous les deux sauvages à leur manière. Surtout, ils ont chacun un projet de vie qui ne semble pas compatible avec celui de l'autre : Ozzi est-il prêt à s'engager auprès de quelqu'un qui sera parent d'une enfant ? Lui qui apprécie la liberté de partir quand il veut où il veut... Willow va chambouler sa vie et l'organiser de manière a prendre soin de sa soeur, est-ce qu'une romance est idéale au même moment, est-ce qu'elle a l'énergie émotionnelle de s'engager des deux côtés ?...

Même si je comprendrais jamais rien au monde du MMA, l'histoire de Willow et Ozzi est toute mimi. L'auteur nous fait également plaisir en incluant pas mal les autres couples de la série, à savoir les frères et leurs femmes, car ce tome clôt la série. C'est un HEA pour tout le monde... Sauf qu'il reste un frère dans le lot, l'aîné, mais on va en entendre parler ;)

jiffy kate,knock out,smartypants romance

Willow and Ozzi couldn't be more different from each other.

Willow arrived in Green Valley with the intention of staying there to start a new life after being released from foster care some years ago. She has a job and hopes one day to find something better than her trailer. At the start of the book, she learns that her mother has died, she had no connection with her for 15 years, and that she has a 9-year-old little sister, Hazel. If Willow doesn't become her legal guardian, the little girl will go to foster care too, Willow knows the system and absolutely refuse to let this happen to her sister. She will therefore put everything in place to obtain custody. In the meantime, after a bad altercation in a bar, she is recommended to go to Viking MMA, because it seems she is a born fighter...

For his part, Ozzi is visiting his brothers in Green Valley, second to last of the siblings, he doesn't know what he wants to do with his life yet. Unattached, he goes on adventures when the mood takes him, not yet being ready to stay somewhere definitively. He is present in the gym when this young woman arrives a little lost, who does not really know why she came. It's Cage who gives her a test to see her fight, and she is excellent, even without any training. Being very busy, Cage asks Ozzi to train Willow (since he is there why not make himself useful eh) and to motivate her to perhaps make a first professional fight.

Willow and Ozzi have a thing between them, but they're going to have to tame each other first because they're both wild in their own way. Above all, they each have a life project that does not seem compatible with the other : is Ozzi ready to commit to someone who will be a parent of a child ? He who appreciates the freedom to leave when he wants and where he wants... Willow will turn her life upside down and organize it in such a way as to take care of her sister, is a romance ideal at the same time ? has she the emotional energy to engage on both sides ?...

Although I would never understand anything in the world of MMA, the story of Willow and Ozzi is so cute. The author also pleases us by including quite a few other couples in the series, namely the brothers and their wives, because this volume closes the series. It's a HEA for everyone... Except that there is still a brother in the lot, the eldest, but we'll hear about it ;)

Find Jiffy Kate online
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2kkDmqx
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2ki0mq5
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2lGyhsz
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2kkDkPr
Website: http://www.jiffykate.com/

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Eye Candy

Eye-Candy-Generic.jpg de Jiffy Kate (2021) - Smartypants Romance

Résumé : Vali Erickson is the classic middle child—misunderstood, underestimated, and overlooked. He’s fine with it. Really. The overlooked part is actually serving him well during this phase of life. He’s in Green Valley in an effort to fly under the radar and regroup after a life-altering blow to his heart and ego. The last thing he’s looking for is a woman to warm his bed until one throws him to the mat and rocks his world.

Margaret O’Neal is an only child who has led a sheltered life. She’s used to being a wallflower. Her ability to blend into the background is what allows her to maintain her anonymity as a gossip columnist for the Green Valley Ledger. Since the Ericksons moved to town, she's never felt more inspired, especially with the newest addition. Vali Erickson is the definition of eye candy—devastatingly handsome with muscles for days—giving her plenty to report about.

The more Maggie observes, the more she finds herself wanting things she’s only read about in romance novels. Admiring Vali from afar is good enough for her until their paths cross and she finds herself trying to stay afloat in uncharted territory—no labels, no promises, and WAY out of her comfort zone. Will this arrangement be what finally breaks her out of her shell, or will her heart be a casualty of the Viking Invasion ?

Malheureusement, même si le héros est un viking, ce roman ne fera pas partie de mes préférés. L'histoire n'est pas mauvaise, mais elle n'est pas exceptionnelle non plus, c'est grosso-modo du déjà-lu. J'ai pas trouvé d'originalité qui donne un petit truc en plus qui nous donne envie de nous attacher à nos héros.

Vali est le 3e frère de la fratrie Erickson que l'on rencontre, le tome 1 sur Cage reste pour moi, le meilleur bouquin pour le moment (il reste encore 2 frères...). Il arrive à Green Valley pour fuir Dallas où sa précédente relation amoureuse a pris fin brusquement quand il a découvert qu'il était l'amant d'une femme mariée. Il est donc là pour soigner con coeur meurtri et son amour-propre qui en a pris un coup... Sauf que dès qu'il aperçoit Maggie, c'est le coup de foudre, il veut absolument faire sa connaissance et en même temps il ne veut pas commencer une nouvelle relation... Bon la logique du personne est un peu paradoxale, ses actions ne sont pas très cohérentes avec son état d'esprit xD

En face on trouve Maggie, jeune fille quelconque dans le sens où elle n'est pas une figure de la vie sociale de Green Valley, elle habite toujours chez parents, travaille dans leur magasin de fourniture pour animaux. Elle ne sort pas, n'a presque pas d'amies... Mais elle a un secret : c'est elle qui écrit la chroniques des potins dans le journal local. Gros clin d'oeil à Lady Wistledown dans les Bridgerton ;) . Maggie a aussi un méga crush sur Vali Erickson, sur lequel elle consacre plusieurs de ses chroniques.

Bon leur histoire à tous les deux est mimi, mais sans suspense et sans difficultés. Autre détail : je crois que j'ai de plus en plus de mal avec des héroïnes qui penche du côté nunuche de la force, ingénue, qui ne connait rien à la vie. Dans la romance historique ça peut encore passer, mais dans le contemporain j'ai du atteindre mon quota, parce qu'elle n'a pas du tout attirer ma sympathie. Elle pas stupide, Maggie, mais c'est un clichée ambulant :( dommage...

jiffy kate,eye candy,smartypants romance

Unfortunately, even though the hero is a Viking, this novel will not be one of my favorites. The story isn't bad, but it's not exceptional either, there is a lingering sens of déjà-vu. I havn't found originality that gives a little something else that makes us want to care about our heroes.

Vali is the 3rd brother of the Erickson siblings that we meet, the book 1 about Cage remains for me the best for the moment (there are still 2 brothers left...). He arrives in Green Valley fleeing Dallas where his previous romantic relationship ended abruptly when he found out he was the lover of a married woman. He is here to treat his broken heart and his self-esteem has taken a hit... Except that as soon as he sees Maggie, it's love at first sight, he absolutely wants to get to know her and at the same time he doesn't want to start a new relationship... Well his logic is a bit paradoxical, his actions are not very consistent with his state of mind xD

on the other side we find Maggie, a nondescript young girl in the sense that she is not a figure in the social life of Green Valley, she still lives with her parents, works in their animal supply store. She does not go out, has almost no friends... But she has a secret : she writes the gossip column in the local newspaper. Big wink to Lady Wistledown in the Bridgertons ;). Maggie also has a mega crush on Vali Erickson, about whom she devotes several of her columns.

Well, their story is cute, but without suspense and without difficulties. Another detail : I think I have more and more trouble with heroines who lean towards the ninny side of the Force, ingenuous, who knows nothing about life. In historical romance it can still pass, but in contemporary I had reach my quota, because I didn't care about her at all. She's not stupid, Maggie, but she's a walking cliché :( too bad ...

Find Jiffy Kate online
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2kkDmqx
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2ki0mq5
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2lGyhsz
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2kkDkPr
Website: http://www.jiffykate.com/

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Beef Cake

DB04-BC-EBOOK.jpg de Jiffy Kate (2020) - SmartyPants Romance

Résumé : If opposites do actually attract, then Gunnar Erickson and Frankie Reeves take the cake.

Frankie Reeves is complicated, even though she won’t admit it. She fills her days working as an ER nurse, taking care of her mom, and searching for the father she never knew. Anything else has no place in her perfectly compartmentalized, purposefully simple life. Attachments? No thank you. She has no time for that.

Gunnar Erickson recently moved to Green Valley to train at Viking MMA with his brother Cage. Being the youngest of the Erickson clan, he’s always felt like he has something to prove, and now that he’s finished with college, it’s his time to shine. But before he can step into the ring, a freak accident sends him to the ER and into the care of one Frankie Reeves.

While he’s immediately smitten, she pretends to be unfazed by this six-foot-three, two hundred and thirty-pound beefcake. Gunnar sets out to prove to Frankie that, not only does she like him more than she wants to admit, but he’s not the uneducated, brute she assumes he is. To Frankie, he’s the worst kind of complication, but that doesn’t make it easy to stay away.

Cette romance est toute mignonne entre Frankie et Gunnar, mais j'avoue que je suis pas super fan de l'instalove. Heureusement, ils ne le sont pas tous les deux ! j'ai aussi eu une toute petite impression que les deux louveteaux avançaient un peu rapidement à un moment, même s'il y a quelques ellipses dans l'histoire.

Gunnar a un coup de foudre, ça peut se comprendre mais un bisou et il pense au mariage, à 22 ans... xD c'est un peu too much, un peu trop parfait aussi, il me semble pas avoir vu des défauts pour lui, c'est Frankie qui porte toutes les failles et faiblesses dans cette histoire, et en écrivant là, je me dis qu'on est sur le schéma du viking charmant qui arrivent sur son drakkar blanc. Par chance, Frankie a l'intelligence de se sauver elle-même, car il fallait qu'elle fasse les choses toute seule pour qu'on évite de justesse le sauvetage par l'amour. J'étais partie avec un bon sentiment et maintenant je suis plus mitigée, comme quoi vive l'exercice de la review.

Jiffy Kate a écrit sur le grand frère de Gunnar, Cage ("Stud Muffin"), et son histoire était beaucoup équilibrée entre les deux héros, chacun avait des obstacles à surmonter et leur relation a été basée sur une entre-aide mutuelle où chacun était sur un point d'égalité. Ici avec Gunnar et Frankie c'est pas du tout équilibrée : Gunnar n'a aucun challenge à surmonter, alors que Frankie en a au moins 5... Et en plus c'est pas les plus simples.

Frankie n'a pas eu une vie facile, elle n'a presqu'aucun souvenir de son enfance, ne connait pas son père, a une mère recluse qui refuse de lui parler de son passé, et fait des cauchemars violents... Frankie est le triste exemple de ce qui se passe, quand un parent refuse de parler d'un événement traumatisant à son enfant : le taire et faire comme si cela n'avait jamais existé, ne permet pas à l'enfant de se construire sereinement. Dans le cas précis de ce roman, Frankie est angoissée par ses cauchemars et leur possible reflets de son passé, elle ne s'attache à personne car c'est plus facile de fuir.

Frankie est une belle héroïne car elle sait ses limites mais quand elle poussée à bout, elle va certes tombée mais elle va se relever et enfin faire ce qu'elle aurait du faire depuis le début. Elle comprend ce qu'elle doit faire pour aller mieux se force à le faire. J'ai beaucoup aimé le dernier chapitre et l'épilogue en ce sens ^^.

jiffy kate,beef cake,smartypants romance

The romance between Frankie and Gunnar is very sweet, but I admit that I'm not a big fan of insta-love. Fortunately, it's only for one of them. I also had a feeling that the two lobebirds romance was advancing a little quickly at some point, even if there are a few ellipses in the story.

Gunnar has a crush on Frankie, it can be understood but give him a kiss and he thinks of marriage, and he is only 22 years old... xD it's a bit too much, a bit too perfect too, I don't think there is any faults in him, it's Frankie who carries all the flaws and weaknesses, and as I write this review, I tell myself that we are on the clichee of the charming viking who arrive on his white drakkar. Luckily, Frankie has the intelligence to save herself, because she had to do things by herself and the "love saves everything" was barely avoided. I left the book with a good feeling but now I am more reserved, reviewing helps making up your mind.

Jiffy Kate wrote about Gunnar's big brother Cage ("Stud Muffin"), and his story was very balanced between the two heroes, each had obstacles to overcome and their relationship was based on mutual care of eachother. Here with Gunnar and Frankie it's not at all balanced : Gunnar has no challenge to overcome, while Frankie has at least 5... And they're not the easiest.

Frankie did not have an easy life, she has almost no memory of her childhood, doesn't know her father, has a reclusive mother who refuses to speak about her past, and has violent nightmares... She is a sad example of what happens when a parent refuses to tell his child about a traumatic event : to keep quiet and act as if it never existed, doesn't allow the child to grow up peacefully. In this novel, Frankie is anxious about her nightmares and their possible reflections of her past, she doesn't get attached to anyone because it is easier to flee.

Frankie is a beautiful heroine because she knows her limits but when she's over the edge, she will fall but she will get up and finally do what she should have done from the start. She understands what she needs to do to get better and forces herself to do it. I really liked the last chapter and the epilogue in that regard ^^.

Find Jiffy Kate online
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2kkDmqx
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2ki0mq5
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2lGyhsz
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2kkDkPr
Website: http://www.jiffykate.com/

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