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Play Smart

202205-WFI-05-STILES.jpg d'Aly Stiles - SmartyPants Romance (2022)

Résumé : Nash Ellis knows music. Producing, performing, writing—if it involves the creative process he’s there for it. He knows nothing about copy machines. Or financial reports. Or anything related to the stuck-up business world his best friends have been chasing since they were kids. But Nash also needs money, so when his roommate gets him a paid internship at Reedweather Media, he reluctantly agrees. At least his know-it-all intern competitor is kind of cute in a nerdy-librarian sort of way—especially when she’s being tormented by an angsty rocker she can’t stand.

The only thing Paige Andrews hates more than failure? Nash Ellis. She has little patience for incompetence and zero tolerance for indifference. He clearly doesn’t belong in their corporate world, so why does he insist on ruining her dream job? And the worst part—he’s not what he seems. In fact, it’s all the things he’s hiding behind those electric blue eyes that make him straight-up captivating in an ironic-slacker sort of way.

But their smoldering friction bursts into open flames when the feuding interns are forced into a high-stakes mission that requires intimate knowledge of the music industry. Yep, what could go wrong when the least-qualified candidate to ever walk the halls of a major corporation becomes their only hope of success?

4 tomes après Street Smart, on se retrouve à Reedweather Media avec un nouveau couple de stagiaires forcés de travailler ensemble : Nash, un des colocataires de Marcos, musicien déchu, a pris le job par nécessité financière et Paige, voulant à tout prix réussir pour devenir une cheffe d'entreprise. Ici encore, nos deux héros vont être au coeur d'une opération spéciale pour contrer une entreprise concurrente tout en sabotant celle où ils sont... et évidemment c'est Marcos et Eva qui les embarquent dans la suite de leur plan ^^

Cette histoire est encore plus farfelue que celle de Street Smart, Aly Stiles nous offre des situations tordant agrémentées de dialogues digne des meilleures comédies. Et puis surtout, nous avons le retour de Chad et son délire de mer-nuts xD ce personnage nécessiterait son propre roman tellement il est énorme.

Paige et Nash n'ont rien en commun et pourtant ils vont réussir à travailler ensemble et à saboter les plans diaboliques des deux entreprises. L'attraction qu'ils ont l'un pour l'autre est électrique, ils font des étincelles dès qu'ils succombent à leurs sentiments.

Aly Stiles nous rappelle qu'on peut lire des romances avec des intrigues complètement barrée, qui ont pas besoin d'être hyper crédibles, du moment que le rythme comique est là et que les personnages tiennent la route. Je le recommande à celles et ceux qui cherchent à passer un bon moment, sans prise de tête et sans drame.

ali stiles,play smart,smartypants romance

4 books after Street Smart, we find ourselves again at Reedweather Media with a new couple of interns forced to work together : Nash, one of Marcos' roommates, a fallen musician, took the job out of financial necessity and Paige, wanting to succeed at all costs to become a business leader. Here again, our two heroes will be at the heart of a special operation to counter a competing company while sabotaging the one where they are... and obviously it's Marcos and Eva who take them on board in the rest of their plan ^^

This story is even wackier than that of Street Smart, Aly Stiles offers us twisting situations embellished with dialogues worthy of the best comedies. And above all, we have the return of Chad and his delirium of sea-nuts xD this character would require his own novel because he is so huge.

Paige and Nash have nothing in common and yet they manage to work together and sabotage the diabolical plans of the two companies. The attraction they have for each other is electric, they make sparks as soon as they succumb to their feelings.

Aly Stiles reminds us that you can read romances with completely crazy plots, which don't have to be super believable, as long as the comic rhythm is there and the characters hold up. I recommend it to anyone looking to have a good time, without headaches and without drama.

Find Aly Stiles online
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/alystiles
Goodreads: http://bit.ly/3n3XBCP
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Spotify: https://spoti.fi/2BThWpZ
Website: http://www.alystiles.com/
YouTube: https://bit.ly/3

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