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LOP_MOTION.jpg de Penny Reid (2019)

Résumé : One week.
Home alone.
Girl genius.
Unrepentant slacker.
Big lie.
What’s the worst that could happen?

Mona is a smart girl and figured everything out a long time ago. She had to. She didn’t have a choice. When your parents are uber-celebrities and you graduate from high school at fifteen, finish college at eighteen, and start your PhD program at nineteen, you don’t have time for distractions outside of your foci. Even fun is scheduled. Which is why Abram, her brother’s best friend, is such an irritant.

Abram is a talented guy, a supremely gifted musician, and has absolutely nothing figured out, nor does he seem to care. He does what he feels, when he feels, and—in Mona’s opinion—he makes her feel entirely too much.

Laws of Physics is the second trilogy in the Hypothesis series; Laws of Physics parts 1 (MOTION) & 2 (SPACE) end with a cliffhanger.

Autant j’avais pas hyper accroché à Elements of Chemistry, autant là quelle belle première partie *_* . Mona est attachante dans sa bizarrerie et son inadaptation sociale (et ya des choses en profondeur qui promette un bon développement) et Abram est parfait xD (il lit **** et là, tu couines) (oui je me suis censuré pour votre plus grand plaisir).

Bon ya une histoire de « petit » mensonge et de confusion d’identité qui j’espère ne tombera pas dans le cliché, en me disant que c’est Penny, elle fera pas du cliché #fingercrossed

Suite attendue avec impatience !


I was not very excited about Elements of Chemistry, but Motion is a beautiful first part *_*. Mona is endearing in her weirdness and social maladjustment (and there are things that promise a good character development) and Abram is perfect xD (he reads **** and you swoon) (yes I censored myself for your great pleasure).

There's a story of "little" lie and confusion of identity that I hope will not fall into the cliché, as it's Penny Reid, I know she will not make a cliché of it #fingercrossed

Book 2 is awaited with impatience !

penny reid,motion,laws of physics

Connect with Penny :
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2AXQQxj
GoodReads: http://bit.ly/2sCQ1pi
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2W67eow
BookBub: http://bit.ly/2U3dKdW
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lakzsD
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2FDLziw
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Stay up to day with Penny by joining her mailing list: http://bit.ly/2szN34G


Dr Strange Beard

DRSB_LARGE.jpg de Penny Reid (2018).

Résumé : Ten years after Simone Payton broke his heart, all Roscoe Winston wants is a doughnut. He’d also like to forget her entirely, but that’s never going to happen. Roscoe remembers everything—every look, every word, every single unrequited second—and the last thing he needs is another memory of Simone.

Unfortunately, after one chance encounter, Simone keeps popping up everywhere he happens to be . . .

Ten years after Roscoe Winston dropped out of her life, all Simone Payton wants is to exploit him. She’d also like some answers from her former best friend about why he ghosted her, but if she never gets those answers, that’s a-okay. Simone let go of the past a long time ago. Seriously, she has. She totally, totally has. She is definitely not still thinking about Roscoe. Nope. She’s more than happy to forget he exists.

But first, she needs just one teeny-tiny favor . . .

Roscoe est le petit dernier de la fratrie Winston, relativement discret dans les tomes précédents on peut enfin vraiment faire sa connaissance dans son roman. Et que ne découvrons-nous pas sur lui ?!? Roscoe (ou Penny) cachait bien son jeu. Un peu déstabilisant au début, le roman se passe 5 ans après le précédent (Beard in Mind), il a donc bien grandit depuis Beauty and the Mustache !

Simone et Roscoe, cette phrase était une évidence pendant leur enfance et adolescence et puis ils se sont brouillés et voilà des années qu'ils ne se sont plus revus. Jusqu'à ce que Simone revienne à Green Valley et se croiser était inévitable. Les deux amis d'enfance vont avoir beaucoup de choses à se dire, et leurs retrouvailles vont se compliquer avec le retour imprévu de papa Winston.

Après le choc des 5 années fictives écoulée depuis le tome précédent (et il s'en est passée des choses), c'est un plaisir de réintégrer le clan Winston. Roscoe et Simone vont très bien ensemble, on a des flash de leur adolescence, cela rend encore plus émouvant la raison de l'éloignement de Roscoe et pourquoi il ne se réjouis pas tout de suite de revoir Simone. Parcontre nous sommes incapables de résister (tout comme Simone) surtout quand Penny Reid nous sort une scène où Roscoe est par terre recouvert de chiots *-*

L'intrigue autour de Darrell et des bikers peut prendre parfois un peu le pas sur la romance, mais il était impossible d'échapper aux développements de cette histoire, et on en aura la fin dans le dernier tome. De ce côté là aussi, il y en a eu des évènements en 5 ans !

Bon j'ai l'impression d'écrire une review un peu légère, mais j'ai peur d'en révéler trop sur les personnages et l'histoire et qui pourrait spoiler le lecteur assidu. Mais sachez que vous allez kiffer Simone et vouloir donner des câlins à Roscoe :)

penny reid,dr strange beard,winston brothers

Roscoe is the youngest of the Winston brothers, relatively discreet in previous books, we can finally really meet him in his novel. And what aren't we learning about him?!? Roscoe (or Penny) hid his (her) game well. A little destabilizing at first, the novel takes place 5 years after the previous one (Beard in Mind), so Roscoe has grown well since Beauty and the Mustache !

Simone and Roscoe, this phrase was obvious during their childhood and adolescence but then they scrambled and they have not seen each other for years. Until Simone comes back to Green Valley and crossing path was inevitable. The two childhood friends will have a lot of things to talk about, and their reunion will be complicated with the return of the Winston's Dad.

After the shock of the 5 fictitious years since the previous book (and things have happened you know), it's a pleasure to be part of the Winston family again. Roscoe and Simone are good together, we have flashes of their adolescence and it makes the reason for Roscoe distance even more emotional and why he is not glad at first to see Simone again. We are unable to resist to him (just like Simone) especially when Penny Reid writes us a scene where Roscoe is on the floor surrounded by puppies *-*

The plot around Darrell and the bikers can sometimes take more room than the romance, but it was impossible to escape the developments of this story, we will have its end in the last book of the series. In addition, there have been events for the bikers in 5 years !

Well I feel like I'm writing a review a little light, but I'm afraid to tell too much about the characters and the story and I could spoil the readers. But you'll love Simone badassness and want to give Roscoe hugs all the time :)

Connect with Penny :
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PennyReidWriter/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lakzsD
Twitter: @ReidRomance
Mailing List: http://pennyreid.ninja/newsletter/


The Varlet and the Voyeur

Cover.jpgPenny Reid & LH Cosway (2018).

Résumé : He kept his salacious secret for years. But soon, everyone is going to be reading about it in their morning paper…

William Moore is a long way from home. A farm boy from Oklahoma, he’s now the most well-respected member of the Irish rugby team. But appearances are often deceptive, and Will isn’t the clean-cut, all-American good-guy everyone imagines him to be. He’s got a secret, one that will tarnish his reputation forever.

Josey Kavanagh is a self-proclaimed mess, but she’s finally get her shi…uh, act together. She’s set her sights on becoming a veterinarian, but there’s one teeny tiny road bump. Her living arrangements are coming to an abrupt end, leaving Josey homeless and in need of a job to pay her way through college.

What he needs is a companion to keep him on the right path.
What she needs is an apartment with free rent.
Will is convinced Josey will make the perfect companion, since she’s brutally honest and basically ‘just one of the guys.’ Josey is convinced she can ensure Will doesn’t succumb to his voyeuristic proclivities by keeping a scrupulous eye on him.
Except, what happens when the varlet is tempted by the voyeur, and vice-versa?!
Perchance something very, very volatile. And vexing.

The Varlet and the Voyeur is a full-length romantic comedy novel, can be read as a standalone, and is the 4th(and last) book in the USA TODAY bestselling Rugby Series.

La première impression que j'ai eu en découvrant Josey et Will c'est de les imaginer, lui en labrador pantouflard et elle en châton qui apprend la gravité en sautant partout autour de lui et sur lui... Bon c'est pas l'image la plus romantique qui soit mais la plus réaliste (enfin pour moi ^^).

Will est un mec posé, qui assume son penchant pour le voyeurisme. Il sait pourquoi il aime ça, d'où ça lui ai venu et comment s'y adonner quand le besoin s'en fait sentir (avec des règles strictes, des adultes consentants et aucun échange d'argent), pour lui ça relève d'une addiction dont il aimerait bien s'en passer. On peut adhérer ou pas, mais on ne pourrait pas reprocher à Will de faire n'importe quoi. Sauf que ce détail de sa vie privée va être rendu public (par une personne mal intentionnée) et il profite de l'occasion pour se faire aider avec un "compagnon de sobriété" comme collocataire. Et ce compagnon c'est Josey :)

Josey a besoin d'un logement et d'un job, faire la babysitter de Will ? Pour elle ça ne pause aucun problème, tout le monde voit Will comme bizarre, mais pour elle il est juste différent. Josey est un rayon de soleil, pas le passé elle s'est un peu éparpillée, mais être vétérinaire est vraiment sa vocation. La routine très organisée de la vie avec Will va donc l'aider à se focaliser sur son objectif. Ce qu'elle n'avait pas prévu c'est que plus elle en apprend sur Will et plus elle craque pour lui.

Je sais que je me répète à chaque fois, mais Penny Reid et LH Cosway créent des personnages atypiques, complexes, tellement intéressant. On lit ce livre sans interruption du début à la fin. Je n'ai jamais lu de romance avec une thématique sur le voyeurisme, mais j'ai l'impression qu'il ne pouvait pas mieux être abordé qu'ici : quand Will et Josey en discutent, c'est sans cliché, sans jugement. Un "must read" pour cette série !


The first impression I got when I discovered Josey and Will is to imagine them, he as a home-grown labrador and she as a kitten who learns gravity by jumping all around him and on him ... Well, it's not the most romantic picture but the most realistic (at least for me ^ ^).

Will is a laid-back guy, who assumes his penchant for voyeurism. He knows why he likes it, where it came from and how to do it when the need arises (with strict rules, consenting adults and no exchange of money), for him it's an addiction he would like to stop. We can agree or not on voyeurism, but we cannot blame Will for doing anything out of control. Except that this detail of his private life will be made public (by a malicious person) and he takes the opportunity to get help with a "sobriety companion" as a roommate. And this companion is Josey :)

Josey needs a place to live and a job, to babysit Will ? For her it's no problem, everyone sees Will as weird, but for her he is just different. Josey is a ray of sunshine, in the past she's scattered a bit, but being a veterinarian is really her dream job. The very organized routine of living with Will will help her focus on her goal. What she did not expect is that the more she learns about Will and the more she falls for him.

I know I repeat myself every time, but Penny Reid and LH Cosway create atypical characters, complex and so interesting. This book read itself without interruption from beginning to end. I have never read a romance with voyeurism, but I have the impression that it could not be better approached here : when Will and Josey discuss it, it's without cliché, without judgment.

A "must read" for this series !