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Cocktales !

cocky-final (2).jpg de Penny Reid et 39 autres auteurs (2018).

Cocktales, a limited-release anthology of original, never before published material, from some of your favorite bestselling authors is available now!

Each story was specifically written for this anthology. The goal of the Cocktales Anthology is to raise funds to fight against obstruction of creative expression. Specifically, what we believe are obstruction attempts through the trademarking of common (single) words for partiticular use in books / or as a book series (eBooks, print, and audio).

*ALL* net profits will be donated to :
Authors already impacted by creative-obstruction (10%), and Romance Writers of America (RWA) (90%) as a general donation intended for their Advocacy Fund.

*Disclaimer : This anthology is not being conducted on behalf of RWA, nor does RWA endorse this anthology or effort. They have, however, graciously agreed to accept the funds.

For more information, visit: https://www.cockyauthors.com

Cocktales will only be available May 26th-August 26th.

Download your copy today:

Amazon: https://amzn.to/2InBckG

Amazon Universal: http://mybook.to/Cocktales

Amazon Print: https://amzn.to/2rUn33i

iBooks: https://apple.co/2IoO7CM

Nook: https://bit.ly/2k0i25J

Kobo: http://bit.ly/2IIixiH

Google Play: https://bit.ly/2ImisBR


Add to Goodreads: http://bit.ly/CockTalesGR

Contributing Authors Include:

Nana Malone, USA Today Bestselling author – Foreword
Dylan Allen – 'Cocked and Loaded'
Jana Aston, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Double Cocked'
Whitney Barbetti – 'Cocksure Grin'
Author Sawyer Bennett, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'A Wicked, Cocky Plan'
K.f. Breene, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Magical Cock and Bull'
Ruth Clampett, Amazon top 20 Bestselling Author – 'Don’t Get Cocky'
L.H. Cosway, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Illusionist Seeks Neanderthal'
Mariah Dietz – 'Landmines'
Amy Daws, Amazon Top 25 Bestselling author – 'Cock and Balls'
BB Easton, Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author – 'Cocky BB: Two Boys, One Prom.'
Jaymin Eve, USA Today Bestselling author – 'The Cockier the Dragon, the Harder They Fall'
Emma Hart, NYT and USA Today Bestselling author – 'Tricky Bond'
Staci Hart, Amazon Top 10 Bestselling author – 'Cockamamie'
Jessica Hawkins, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocky Couture'
Julie Johnson Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author – 'Culinary Cock-Up'
Karpov Kinrade, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Crimson Cocktail'
Adriana Locke, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Swag'
Lex Martin, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Love & Hate at the Stallion Station'
Aly Martinez, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Going Down'
Katyi McGee - USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocksure Co-Star'
Corinne Michaels, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cockblocked'
Liv Morris, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Getting It Up'
Red Phoenix, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Her Cocky Russian'
Daisy Prescott, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Confessions of a Cockblocked Wingman'
Jessica Prince – ‘A Cocky Corruption Engagement’
Meghan Quinn, Amazon Top 20 Bestselling Author – 'Fight or Flight'
CD Reiss, NYT and USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocky Capo'
Penny Reid, WSJ and USA Today Bestselling author – 'Beard and Hen'
Julie Richman, USA Today Bestselling author – 'The Color of Love'
Aleatha Romig, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Aligned'
Kennedy Ryan, Top 40 Amazon Bestselling author – 'All'
Kylie Scott, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Short Story with Mal and Anne from The Stage Dive Series'
Sierra Simone, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Until the Cock Crows'
Tara Sivec, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Chocolate and Cockup'
Kate Stewart, Amazon Top 30 Bestselling author – 'The Golden Sombrero'
Leia Stone, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocky Alpha'
Karla Sorensen – 'Tristan & Anna: A Bachelors of the Ridge short story'
Rachel Van Dyken, NYT, WSJ, USA Today Bestselling author – 'Cocky Mafia'
April White, Amazon Top 100 Bestselling author – 'Code of Conduct'


Cocktales, une anthologie à diffusion limitée de textes inédits, jamais publiés auparavant, de certains de vos auteurs à succès préférées est disponible dès maintenant !

Chaque histoire a été spécifiquement écrite pour cette anthologie. L'objectif de Cocktales est de lever des fonds pour lutter contre l'obstruction de l'expression créative. Plus précisément, ce que les auteurs croient être des tentatives d'obstruction par le biais du dépôts de marque sur des mots communs (simples) pour l'usage particulier dans les livres ou une série de livres (eBooks, impression et audio).

* TOUS * les bénéfices nets seront reversés aux auteurs déjà touchés par l'obstruction créative (10%), et la Romance Writers of America (RWA) (90%) comme un don général destiné à leur Fonds de plaidoyer.

* Avertissement : Cette anthologie n'est pas réalisée pour le compte de la RWA, et la RWA ne soutient pas cette anthologie. Ils ont, cependant, gracieusement accepté d'accepter les fonds.

Pour plus d'informations, visitez: https://www.cockyauthors.com

Cocktales ne sera disponible que du 26 mai au 26 août.

(Voir les liens de téléchargement et la liste des auteurs participants plus haut ;) )


Marriage of Inconvenience

MOI copy.jpg de Penny Reid (2018)

Résumé : There are three things you need to know about Kat Tanner (aka Kathleen Tyson. . . and yes, she is *that* Kathleen Tyson) :
1) She’s determined to make good decisions,
2) She must get married ASAP, and
3) She knows how to knit.

Being a billionaire heiress isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, it sucks. Determined to live a quiet life, Kat Tanner changed her identity years ago and eschewed her family’s legacy. But now, Kat’s silver spoon past has finally caught up with her, and so have her youthful mistakes. To avoid imminent disaster, she must marry immediately; it is essential that the person she chooses have no romantic feelings for her whatsoever and be completely trustworthy.

Fortunately, she knows exactly who to ask. Dan O’Malley checks all the boxes: single, romantically indifferent to her, completely trustworthy. Sure, she might have a wee little crush on Dan the Security Man, but with clear rules, expectations, and a legally binding contract, Kat is certain she can make it through this debacle with her sanity—and heart—all in one piece.
Except, what happens when Dan O’Malley isn’t as indifferent—or as trustworthy—as she thought ?

C'est terrible, je n'arrive pas à faire cette review, parce que c'est le dernier tomes des "Knitting in the City" et qu'à la fin je ne pourrais pas écrire "vivement le prochain !" T-T . Certes Penny Reid écrit d'autres séries de romans, mais les tricoteuses ont une place spéciale dans mon ptit coeur tout mou. Après avoir passé 6 tomes à couiner sur de rares moments, voilà donc l'histoire de Kat et Dan the Security Man. On les connait depuis le début et enfin, ENFIN, nous les avons tous les deux rien que pour nous.

Kat est sur le point d'hériter l'empire de ses parents et pour éviter de tomber sous le joug de Cousin Machin, il faut qu'elle se marie avec quelqu'un de confiance qui pourra remettre à sa place le-dit cousin. Evidemment, Dan accepte, il ferait tout pour Kat, non seulement parce qu'il est son ami, mais surtout qu'il serait incapable de la laisser seule dans cette situation critique (et forcément, il refuse de la voir se marier à quelqu'un d'autre, même pour de faux xD).

3 ans qu'ils se tournent autour, de près, de loin, c'est jamais le bon moment, puis il y a Vegas (le mariage d'Elisabeth et Nico) des quiproquos... Des pages de lectures frustrantes et ici nous avons enfin notre libération. Le mariage convenu dès le début va forcément crée des doutes et des questions, mais Penny nous offre des personnages complexes qui parlent et réfléchissent ensemble... Arf, je vais pas en dire trop pour pas spoiler, mais vraiment Kat et Dan sont absolument ce que l'autre a besoin et ce livre se lis sans s'arrêter.

penny reid,marriage of inconvenience

It's terrible, I can't write this review because this is the last book of "Knitting in the City" and I could not finish with "can't wait for the next one !" T-T . Of course, Penny Reid writes other novels, but the Knitters have a special place in my little softy heart. After spending 6 books squealing on rare moments, here is the story of Kat and Dan the Security Man. We've known them from the beginning and finally, FINALLY, we have them both just for us.

Kat is about to inherit the business empire of her parents and to avoid falling under the grasp of Cousin Itt, it is vital that she marries someone she trust and who will be able to put out with the said cousin. Obviously, Dan accepts, he would do anything for Kat, not only because he is her friend, but he is unable to leave her alone in this critical situation (and inevitably, he refuses to see her married to someone else, even for a fake marriage xD).

3 years they turn around each other, close or not, it's never the right time, then there is Vegas (the marriage of Elisabeth and Nico) and misunderstandings ... Pages of frustrated readings and here we finally have our release. The marriage of inconvenience at the beginning will inevitably create doubts and questions, but Penny offers us complex characters who talk and think together... Arf, I won't say too much, I don't want to spoil, but Kat and Dan are absolutely what that the other needs and you read book without stops.

Connect with Penny:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PennyReidWriter/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lakzsD
Twitter: @ReidRomance
Newsletter: http://pennyreid.ninja/newsletter/


Série "Fadom Hearts" de Cathy Yardley

cathy yardley,level up,one true pairing Level Up (tome 1 - 2016)

Résumé : Geeky introvert Tessa Rodriguez will do whatever it takes to get promoted to video game engineer– including create a fandom-based video game in just three weeks. The only problem is, she can't do it alone. Now, she needs to strong-arm, cajole, and otherwise socialize with her video game coworkers, especially her roommate, Adam, who’s always been strictly business with her. The more they work together, though, the closer they get…

Adam London has always thought of his roomie Tessa as “one of the guys” until he agreed to help her with this crazy project. Now, he’s thinking of her all the time… and certainly as something more than just a roommate! But his last girlfriend broke up with him to follow her ambitions, and he knows that Tessa is obsessed with getting ahead in the video game world.

Going from friends to something more is one hell of a challenge. Can Tessa and Adam level up their relationship to love?

Ce bouquin est tout mignon, il n'y pas de drama entre les personnages, pas de grande crise sentimentale, de quiproquo qui auraient pu tout faire basculer... Non, on a deux personnes qui se découvrent une attirance mutuelle, qui hésitent au début mais qui se donnent une chance, parce que voilà : ils se parlent, ils se disent tout de suite leurs sentiments et c'est choupiiiiii ♥

Tess et Adam vont aussi avoir chacun leur petit "challenge" à surmonter : pour Tess c'est réaliser son objectif professionnel sans que sa toute nouvelle vie sociale en pâtisse (elle est du côté introverti de la force) ; pour Adam se sera mettre un point final à une ex un peu chouinante.

J'ai beaucoup aimé la tripotée de personnages secondaires. Toutes les filles qui adopte Tess dans leur gang et les mecs qui travaillent avec Adam et Tess. Je les imaginerais bien les uns avec les autres xD. Autre détail assez sympa : le bouquin ne tombe pas dans le cliché du gamer et du geek, Cathy Yardley nous présente des personnages avec leurs petites bizarreries mais ce sont tous des gens normaux ^^.

Oh et puis, je ne pouvais qu'aimer ce livre puisqu'il y a plein de références à Doctor Who xD

This book is cute, there is no drama between the characters, no great sentimental crisis, or misunderstanding that could have end all things... No, we have two people who discover a mutual attraction, who are reluctant to start a relationship but who give themselves a chance, because "news flash" : they talk to each other, they tell each other their feelings and it's swooniiiiing ♥

Tess and Adam are also going to have their little "challenge" to overcome : for Tess, it is to realize her professional objective without damaging her new social life (she is on the introverted side of the force) ; for Adam, it's being liberated from an annoying ex-girlfriend.

I loved the gaggle of secondary characters. All the girls who adopt Tess in their gang and the guys who work with Adam and Tess. I would totally imagine them dating each other xD. Another nice detail : the book does not fall into the cliché of gamers and geeks, Cathy Yardley writes characters with their small quirks but they are all normal people ^^.

I could only love this book since there are referencse to Doctor Who xD

cathy yardley,level up One True Pairing (tome 2 - 2017)

Résumé : Jake Reese needs a decoy girlfriend. Fast. The lead actor of the popular TV show, Mystics, is tired of losing his shirt to overeager fans. Literally. Which is why a chance meeting with gothabilly bookworm-slash-barista Hailey Frost seems almost too perfect to be true.

Hailey is not impressed with his TV fame and is desperate to save her family's bookstore. It's a match made in Hollywood, but as the two pretend to date, fan fiction becomes reality. Can this OTP become canon ?

J'ai encore plus apprécié ce tome-là que le premier surement parce qu'il concrétise le rêve de toutes les fangirls du monde : rencontrer par hasard l'acteur principal de sa série chouchou et tomber follement amoureux l'un de l'autre. Hailey va sauver Jake d'un groupe de fan hystériques prêtes à lui arracher ses vêtements. Jake va tout de suite tomber sous le charme.

Après quelques évènements fâcheux, Hailey perd l'un de ses boulot et se retrouve donc en difficulté avec le loyer de la maison/librairie qu'elle partage avec ses soeurs. Jake de son côté a de sérieux doutes sur le fait qu'il sera dans la saison 3 de Mystics, c'est sans compter sur un père qui l'empêche de gérer sa carrière comme il veut et une stalkeuse qui réapparaît...

Tout comme le livre précédent, Cathy Yardley écrit des personnages qui se parlent et qui n'hésitent à pas à se rebiffer et faire comprendre ses erreurs à l'autre, et qui donc aussi ne perdent pas de temps à s'excuser après ^^. Hailey et Jake mette en place cette histoire de fake-girlfriend afin que chacun y gagne : Jake une popularité pour être renouvelé et Hailey un coup de pub pour la librairie. Mais évidemment ces deux là se prennent à peur propre jeu et c'est mignon de voir à quel point ils essaient de résister à leur passion :)

I liked this book even more than the first one because it concretizes the dream of all the fangirls of the world : to meet by chance the main actor of her favorite TV series and fall madly in love with each other. Hailey rescue Jake from a group of hysterical fans ready to snatch his clothes. Jake will immediately fall in love.

After some unfortunate events, Hailey loses one of her jobs and finds herself in trouble with the rent of the house/bookstore she shares with her sisters. Jake has serious doubts that he will be in Mystics season 3, all of this with a father who wants to manage his career and a stalker who reappears...

Like the previous book, Cathy Yardley writes characters who talk to each other and who do not hesitate to call on bullshit and tell the other their mistakes, and who also do not waste time apologizing after ^^ . Hailey and Jake set up this fake-girlfriend story for them to win something : Jake's popularity will be renewed and Hailey will have publicity for the bookstore. But of course these two are overtaken by their own game and it's cute to see how they are trying to resist their passion :)

cathy yardley,level up,one true pairing Game of Hearts (tome 3 - 2018)

Résumé : Kyla Summers has been offered the opportunity of a lifetime to get her cosplay business off the ground, and only one thing stands in her way. She needs someone to take over the auto shop, and there’s only one person she can think of to call…

Jericho Salomon hasn’t been back in his home town since he joined a biker gang and rode off nine years ago. When his best friend’s kid sister calls begging for help, he knows that he owes the family a debt and he intends to pay. This is easier said than done once he finds that the kid is all grown up…

She needs a pair of skillful hands. He needs to keep his hands off. When sparks begin to fly, can they keep things strictly business, or will their hearts get hopelessly tangled? No more games, it’s time to play for keeps.

J'avoue que j'ai pas trop été portée par l'univers professionnel où travaille Kyla et son frère, les trucs de garage sont pas pour moi. De même, que Jericho qui fait partie d'un groupe d'amateur de moto (attention c'est pas des bikers !), c'est pas ce qui me fait rêver.

Parcontre, j'ai beaucoup apprécié les liens entre les héros, ils se connaissent depuis longtemps et même s'ils se sont perdus de vue pendant 9 ans, quand ils se retrouvent c'est comme s'ils ne s'étaient jamais quittés. Ils reprennent aussi leur bonne vieilles habitudes de titiller le frère de Kyla en faisant semblant de flirter un max entre eux xD ça donne quelques petites scènes assez drôles.

Un peu dommage qu'il n'y ai pas eu assez de place pour la réunion de Jericho avec sa famille. J'ai plus apprécié la résolution de ses problèmes avec sa mère que tout ce qui se passe avec les motards. C'est un peu lourd et on voit venir le truc dès le premier chapitre.

Mention spéciale pour le concours de cosplay à la fin avec un hommage à Game of Thrones, j'ai bien couiné à ce moment-là ♥

I admit that I was not found of the professional world where Kyla and his brother work, the auto-repair shop stuff is not for me. Also, Jericho being part of a group of motorcycle aficionados (they're not bikers!) is not what makes me dream.

On the other hand, I really appreciated the friendship between the heroes, they have known each other for a long time and even if they lost sight of each other for 9 years, when they meet again, it is as if they had never left each other. They also pick up on their good old habits of teasing Kyla's brother by pretending to flirt. *it gives some pretty funny scenes.

A pity that there was not enough room for Jericho's meeting with his family. I enjoyed him solving his problems with his mother more than what happens with the "bikers". It's a little clumsy and we see the thing coming from the first chapter.

Special mention for the cosplay contest at the end with a tribute to Game of Thrones, I loved that part ♥

***ARC received for a honest review***