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No Whisk No Reward

20190718_DB03_No Whisk No Reward_Kay_KDP_FINAL.jpg d'Ellie Kay (2019) - Smartypants Romance

Résumé : How do you know if a risk is worth taking? If you knew, there wouldn’t be any risk.

Following a disastrous appearance on a televised baking show, Sophie Copeland is certain things can’t get any worse. Several calamities later, Sophie finds herself in Green Valley, Tennessee with no plan, no place to stay, and no prospects. But at least she has a temporary seasonal arrangement with the famed Donner Bakery. And that's something, right?

It's not permanent, and it's not a home, but it's still something.

Enter Joel Barnes, a Green Valley mystery, wrapped in rumors, and a whispered connection to the local notorious biker gang. Joel’s got a name for being bad news, but he also has an apartment for rent.

Intrigued by the dichotomy of Joel’s reputation and sexy southern pull, Sophie can’t help but be tempted, even though she knows—given her (bad) luck—she should stay far, far away. . .

Yet as everyone knows, without risk, there’s no reward.

Cette romane pourra plaire aux fans de Top Chef ou du Meilleur Pâtissier ^^ : Sophie, l'héroïne a participé à une émission dans ce style, mais ayant été prise d'un tract exacerbé, elle a planté littéralement son dessert (alors qu'elle est chef pâtissière dans un restaurant haut de gamme à la base).

J'ai bien aimé cette histoire aussi car le héros, Joel, doit être un des rares à Green Valley, à ne pas porter les Winstons dans son coeur et on va apprendre petit à petit pourquoi. Comme Sophie rencontre Joel en premier et qu'il l'a aidé dans sa galère, elle a du mal à comprendre pourquoi la plupart des gens l'évite et surtout pourquoi lui aussi, reste à l'écart des gens. Alors que Sophie trouve un job temporaire à la pâtisserie de Jennifer, elle ne peut s'empêcher de se demander ce qui se cache derrière l'isolement que s'inflige Joel et va essayer de le faire sortir de sa carapace en étant juste une amie d'abord (et un peu plus par la suite ^^).

J'ai trouvé que l'auteur n'en faisait pas des tonnes avec l'intrigue liée aux bikers, ça restait dans une proportion crédible et ça tombait pas dans le drama, même s'il y a un fond tragique à l'histoire on évite les effusions de sang et les bastons inutiles. Sophie et Joel vont bien ensemble et leur amitié passe vers des sentiments plus forts de façon simple et sans quiproquos.

Je donnerais une mention spéciale à Paul Newman, qui le meilleur rôle qui soit dans cette affaire xD


This novel will please fans of Top Chef or or any pastry TV shows ^^ : Sophie, the heroine participated in a show in this style, but having stage fright, she literally crashed her dessert (she is a pastry chef in an upscale restaurant).

I liked this story too because the hero, Joel, must be the only one in Green Valley, not to like the Winstons and we will learn why as we go in the story. As Sophie meets Joel first and because he has helped her when she had troubles, she has a hard time understanding why most people avoid him and especially why he too, stays away from everyone. While Sophie finds a temporary job at Jennifer's bakery, she can not help wondering what's behind Joel's isolation and try to get him out of his shell, just by being a friend at first (and more a little later ^^).

I think that the author did a good job with the plot related to the bikers, it remained credible and it did not fall in a drama, even if there is a tragic background to the story, we avoid useless bloodshed and fighting. Sophie and Joel go well together and their friendship changes to stronger feelings in a simple way and without misunderstandings.

I'd give a special mention to Paul Newman, who has the best role in this romance xD

Connect with Ellie Kay
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2kmkvLJ
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2lCpYOz
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lByBcl

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Prose Before Bros

20190718_GVL03_Pros Before Bros_Yardley_KDP_FINAL.jpg de Cathy Yardley (2019) - Smartypants Romance

Résumé : Nothing about being a librarian prepared Thuy Nguyen for such a wide variety of casseroles. Or life in a small town. Or becoming a farmer.

But what can she do when her catastrophe-prone best friend begs her for help? After all, Maddy has always been there for Thuy. It’s time to return the favor.

It’s simple really, all she has to do is: learn everything about farming ASAP, save her BBF’s family business from disaster, and avoid being caught staring at Maddy’s biker brother, and his muscles, and his smile, and his soulful, sexy eyes.

Oh yeah, and she should definitely not fall in love with him.

Easy, right? . . . Right.

Je crois que c'est la romance qui m'a le moins plus du lot, je n'ai pas du tout accroché au couple de héros et leur histoire ne m'a fait ni chaud ni froid...

Thuy est une héroïne qui avait du potentiel pourtant, mais son histoire personnelle n'est pas assez abordée ou trop cachée sous plein de sous-entendus. ce qui fait que lorsqu'elle sauve la situation de fin, elle arrive un peu comme la providence et comme par hasard qui elle est résout tout d'un coup -_- j'ai un peu roulé des yeux...

Ensuite Drill/Teddy est pas hyper engageant, certes c'est pas la sexitude incarnée mais le profil skinhead c'est pas forcément ce qui me fait tripper. Et puis pour un gars de 32 ans, homme de main/tabasseur en chef des bikers, il se morfond un peu beaucoup sur son sort. On voit bien qu'il commence à se poser plein de questions sur le sens de la vie et de rester avec les bikers ou pas, mais alors il est quasiment inactif sur comment il pourrait se sortir de là... Je lui donne 5 points car il lit le livre conseillé par Thuy et il kiffe ça, mais sinon faudra m'expliquer en quoi ce perso est un héros (c'est Thuy qui fait tout de tout façon).

voilà petite déception pour ce roman.

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I think it's the romance that I have liked the least of the lot, the couple didn't pick my interest and their story has left me indifferent...

Thuy is a heroine who had potential, however, her personal story is not sufficiently talk about, it is hidden under a lot of innuendo. which means that when she saves the situation at the end, she arrives like the Providence and suddenly solves everything by chance -_- I rolled my eyes a little...

Then Drill/Teddy is not hyper attractive, certainly he's not a sexy male but the skinhead profile is not necessarily what makes me found of him. And for a 32-year-old guy, a enforcer of the bikers, he is mopes a lot about his fate. We can see he is starting to question himself about the meaning of life and to stay with the bikers or not, but he is practically inactive about how he could get out of there... I give him 5 points because he reads the book advised by Thuy and he likes it, but otherwise somedoby please explain to me why this person is a hero (it's Thuy who does everything anyway).

this novel is a little disappointment for me.

Connect with Cathy Yardley
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2m3BItN
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2m3qaa1
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2lGZk75
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lEE8io
Website: http://cathyyardley.com/

Connect with Smartypants Romance
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Amazon: https://amzn.to/2lGdIMQ
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Website: https://smartypantsromance.com/


Crime and Periodicals

20190718_GVL02_Crime and Periodicals_Everly_KDP_FINAL.jpg de Nora Everly (2019) - Smartypants Romance

Résumé : In Green Valley, Tennessee everybody knows everybody, but nobody knows Sabrina Logan.

Sabrina has been hiding in plain sight for years. Living her life inside of books, dutifully helping her family, and hoping no one will notice her. So far? Mission accomplished!

Yet when sexy—and distrustful—sheriff, Wyatt Monroe returns to town with his daughters, he definitely notices the quiet librarian everyone else overlooks. The single dad can’t seem to shake thoughts of shy Sabrina. Without quite understanding the impulse, Wyatt makes his mission finding her again, so he can . . . well, he’ll just have to reckon with that later.

What Wyatt discovers is a woman who trusts too easily, but who’s afraid to live. Trust doesn’t come easily to Wyatt. But living? That’s never been a problem.

And he’d sure like to show her how.

Si vous souhaitez lire une romance choupi-chou graou qui vous fait voir des coeurs partout et vous donne l'impression de naviguer sur un arc-en-ciel le temps de quelques heures de lecture, ce livre est pour vous ! Attention ce n'est pas gnan-gnan non plus xD

Nos deux héros sont tout en profondeur avec chacun des vies pas forcément idéales et qui essaient de faire au mieux avec ce qu'ils ont. Sabrina s'occupe de ses 3 neveux après le décès de sa soeur : il y a deux grands ados et un enfant plus jeune, Harry, qui est autiste, elle est d'ailleurs sur le point de l'adopter, mais le "père" pose problème, c'est un type complètement à la ramasse qui n'a jamais été là pour ses enfants... Sabrina est aussi hyper timide, elle a du mal à interagir avec les autres, mais elle est en thérapie et se donne des mini challenges chaque jour.

Arrive Wyatt, le héros parfait pour Sabrina, c'est le coup de foudre pour tous les deux. Wyatt est gentil, patient et compréhensif. Il s'occupe seul de ses deux filles depuis que leur "mère" a décidé de se casser. Quand il rencontre Sabrina, il voit bien qu'elle n'est pas très à l'aise au milieu des gens mais il ne va pas essayer à tout prix de l'aider à affronter ses peurs, mais plus être là au cas où et laisser Sabrina venir vers lui. Sachant qu'en plus les deux filles de Wyatt sont de vraies stratèges xD.

Ce livre nous met le sourire, il y a certes des obstacles à passer pour les héros mais rien n'est insurmontables et ça ne tombe jamais dans le drama. tout le monde devrait avoir un Wyatt dans sa vie.


If you want to read a cute romance that makes you see hearts everywhere and makes you walk on a rainbow just by reading, this book is for you ! Attention it is not a soppy romance either xD

Our two heroes have a deep personnality with a life thta's not necessarily ideal and they are trying to do the best with what they have. Sabrina takes care of her 3 nephews after the death of her sister : two teenagers and a younger child, Harry, who is autistic, she is about to adopt him, but the "father" causes problem, it's a looser that has never been there for his children... Sabrina is also extremely shy, she has trouble interacting with others, but she is in therapy and gives herself little challenges every day.

Then there is Wyatt, the perfect hero for Sabrina, it's love at first sight for both of them. Wyatt is kind, patient and understanding. He has been taking care of his two daughters since their "mother" decided to go away. When he meets Sabrina, he clearly sees that she is not very comfortable among people but he will not try to help her face her fears at all cost, instead he tells her he's here in case she needs him and let Sabrina come to him. Plus, we have Wyatt's two daughters who are real strategists xD.

This book makes us smile, there are certainly obstacles to overcome for the characters but nothing is insurmountable and it never falls in the drama. everyone should have a Wyatt in his life.

Connect with Nora Everly
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2kuJmwL
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2kxjtwa
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2kx2f21
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2kuLMeI
Website: https://www.noraeverly.com/

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