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Marriage of Inconvenience

MOI copy.jpg de Penny Reid (2018)

Résumé : There are three things you need to know about Kat Tanner (aka Kathleen Tyson. . . and yes, she is *that* Kathleen Tyson) :
1) She’s determined to make good decisions,
2) She must get married ASAP, and
3) She knows how to knit.

Being a billionaire heiress isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. In fact, it sucks. Determined to live a quiet life, Kat Tanner changed her identity years ago and eschewed her family’s legacy. But now, Kat’s silver spoon past has finally caught up with her, and so have her youthful mistakes. To avoid imminent disaster, she must marry immediately; it is essential that the person she chooses have no romantic feelings for her whatsoever and be completely trustworthy.

Fortunately, she knows exactly who to ask. Dan O’Malley checks all the boxes: single, romantically indifferent to her, completely trustworthy. Sure, she might have a wee little crush on Dan the Security Man, but with clear rules, expectations, and a legally binding contract, Kat is certain she can make it through this debacle with her sanity—and heart—all in one piece.
Except, what happens when Dan O’Malley isn’t as indifferent—or as trustworthy—as she thought ?

C'est terrible, je n'arrive pas à faire cette review, parce que c'est le dernier tomes des "Knitting in the City" et qu'à la fin je ne pourrais pas écrire "vivement le prochain !" T-T . Certes Penny Reid écrit d'autres séries de romans, mais les tricoteuses ont une place spéciale dans mon ptit coeur tout mou. Après avoir passé 6 tomes à couiner sur de rares moments, voilà donc l'histoire de Kat et Dan the Security Man. On les connait depuis le début et enfin, ENFIN, nous les avons tous les deux rien que pour nous.

Kat est sur le point d'hériter l'empire de ses parents et pour éviter de tomber sous le joug de Cousin Machin, il faut qu'elle se marie avec quelqu'un de confiance qui pourra remettre à sa place le-dit cousin. Evidemment, Dan accepte, il ferait tout pour Kat, non seulement parce qu'il est son ami, mais surtout qu'il serait incapable de la laisser seule dans cette situation critique (et forcément, il refuse de la voir se marier à quelqu'un d'autre, même pour de faux xD).

3 ans qu'ils se tournent autour, de près, de loin, c'est jamais le bon moment, puis il y a Vegas (le mariage d'Elisabeth et Nico) des quiproquos... Des pages de lectures frustrantes et ici nous avons enfin notre libération. Le mariage convenu dès le début va forcément crée des doutes et des questions, mais Penny nous offre des personnages complexes qui parlent et réfléchissent ensemble... Arf, je vais pas en dire trop pour pas spoiler, mais vraiment Kat et Dan sont absolument ce que l'autre a besoin et ce livre se lis sans s'arrêter.

penny reid,marriage of inconvenience

It's terrible, I can't write this review because this is the last book of "Knitting in the City" and I could not finish with "can't wait for the next one !" T-T . Of course, Penny Reid writes other novels, but the Knitters have a special place in my little softy heart. After spending 6 books squealing on rare moments, here is the story of Kat and Dan the Security Man. We've known them from the beginning and finally, FINALLY, we have them both just for us.

Kat is about to inherit the business empire of her parents and to avoid falling under the grasp of Cousin Itt, it is vital that she marries someone she trust and who will be able to put out with the said cousin. Obviously, Dan accepts, he would do anything for Kat, not only because he is her friend, but he is unable to leave her alone in this critical situation (and inevitably, he refuses to see her married to someone else, even for a fake marriage xD).

3 years they turn around each other, close or not, it's never the right time, then there is Vegas (the marriage of Elisabeth and Nico) and misunderstandings ... Pages of frustrated readings and here we finally have our release. The marriage of inconvenience at the beginning will inevitably create doubts and questions, but Penny offers us complex characters who talk and think together... Arf, I won't say too much, I don't want to spoil, but Kat and Dan are absolutely what that the other needs and you read book without stops.

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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PennyReidWriter/
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2lakzsD
Twitter: @ReidRomance
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