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Worth the Wait

Worth-the-Wait-Generic.jpg de Karla Sorensen - SmartyPants (2022)

Résumé : You know what I don’t have time for? The brooding, dark-eyed former love of my life showing up when my life is finally settling down. I don’t have time for Hunter Buchanan and that intense look in his eyes. The way he loved me so perfectly all those years ago.

I’m the one who asked him to leave back then, my attempt at saving him from the chaos of my screwed up family. I didn’t expect him back in Green Valley, looking better than before and with an empty ring finger. And I definitely didn’t expect him to still be in love with me.

I don’t have time for the things I feel around him, or how amazing it is when he touches me. Most of all, for the broken heart I’ll have if I have to say goodbye again. I survived him leaving once before, but I don’t think I can do it again. So there’s only one thing I can make time for… staying away from Hunter Buchanan.

Cette romance est l'histoire d'une seconde chance. Iris et Hunter se sont connus très jeunes, mais n'ayant pas une grande confiance en elle et dans les sentiments d'Hunter, elle s'est éloignée de lui et l'a repoussé par peur que son histoire ne dure pas... Iris n'a pas eu une vie facile, sa mère était une relou qui faisait arnaque sur arnaque et la négligeait.

Aujourd'hui, 12 ans plus tard, Iris a la garde de son petit frère Theo depuis que leur mère est en prison, il est devenu sa priorité. Elle espère également bientôt ouvrir un magasin. Sa route va recroiser Hunter par hasard, c'est lui qui donne des cours de rattrapage à Theo pendant l'été.

Hunter revient à Green Valley après 12 ans, histoire de se ressourcer après un divorce et un changement de job. Il ne s'attendait pas à revoir Iris, son seul et grand amour. Dans cette série, les mâles Buchanan ont la malédiction du grand amour, quand ils savent qui est leur âme soeur c'est pour la vie. Pour Hunter c'était Iris depuis leur adolescence.

Ces deux-là n'ont jamais arrêté de s'aimer : Iris avait besoin de lâcher prise et se faire confiance en la vie quand elle apporte des bonnes choses, et à croire qu'Hunter serait toujours là pour elle. Hunter ne voulait pas forcer Iris à être avec lui, alors il a accepté de partir, maintenant qu'il est de retour il ne veut pas laisser passer sa chance une 2e fois, mais le plus dur sera de convaincre Iris de croire en ses sentiments.

karla sorensen,worth the wait,smartypants romance

This romance is a second chance story. Iris and Hunter met very young, but she didn't great confidence in her and in Hunter's feelings, she distanced herself from him and pushed him away for fear that their love story wouldn't last... Iris didn't have an easy life, her mother was a jerk who made scam after scam and neglected her.

Today, 12 years later, Iris has custody of her little brother Theo since their mother is in prison, he has become her priority. She also hopes to open a store soon. Her path will come across Hunter again, he is Theo's tutor during the summer school.

Hunter returns to Green Valley after 12 years to recharge after a divorce and quitting his job. He didn't expect to see Iris again, his only and great love. In this series, the Buchanan males have the curse of true love, when they know who their soulmate is, it's for life. For Hunter it had been Iris since their teenage years.

These two never stopped loving each other : Iris needed to let go and trust in life when it brings good things, and to believe that Hunter would always be there for her. Hunter didn't want to force Iris to be with him, so he agreed to leave, now that he's back he doesn't want to miss his chance a 2nd time, but the hard part will be to convince Iris to believe in his feelings.

Find Karla Sorensen online
Facebook : http://bit.ly/2lU6xAS
Twitter : http://bit.ly/2khRSPL
Amazon : https://amzn.to/2k0Yp0T
Instagram : http://bit.ly/2lBNuez
Website : http://www.karlasorensen.com/

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Steal My Magnolia

StealMyMagnolia_Ebook.jpg de Karla Sorensen (2021) - SmartyPants Romance

Résumé : Life lesson from Grady Buchanan: If you're going to fall in love with the untouchable girl in town, don't hire her as your only employee. Even after he bungled the interview with Magnolia MacIntyre, he knew better than to hire her. The list of why it's a bad idea is a long one. Her father could ruin his fledgling business. She is completely overqualified. And he’s attracted to her. What does Grady do? He offers her the job.

Magnolia knew better than to take it. Normally, she'd make the safe choice, and working for Grady is anything but. He's new in town--and entirely too charming. Her dad will be furious. She hates the outdoors and working for an outdoor adventure company is not exactly the right fit. What does she do? She says yes on the spot.

Grady and Magnolia will have to prove to everyone in their life that they're not crazy. And prove to each other that the list of why it's a bad idea should be tossed out the window. For these two opposites, sometimes doing the wrong thing is exactly right.

Je suis restée un peu sur ma faim avec ce roman, j'ai trouvé qu'il était très mal équilibré entre la phase de séduction et le moment où le couple est formé. En gros, le bouquin se termine sur le moment où ils passent enfin aux choses sérieuses, on a un chapitre et un épilogue qui nous montrent Magnolia et Grady ensemble...

L'histoire est pas mauvaise, mais c'est beaucoup trop long. Ils ont beaux être choupi-chou les deux là, passé un stade on n'attend plus qu'ils se jettent l'un sur l'autre xD .

J'aurais voulu avoir plus de scènes de couple, où Grady va passer du temps avec les parents de Magnolia, des moments avec la soeur de Grady, Grace, et son copain Tucker (l'ex de Magnolia) (on peut pas dire qu'il n'y avait pas du contenu à creuser sur cet arc narratif).

Le livre se termine sur un avant-goût de ce que sera le tome de Hunter, le Buchanan qui a fuit Green Valley et sa malédiction. ça promet !

smartypants romance,karla sorensen,steal my magnolia

I was a little unsatisfied with this book, I think it wasn' very well balanced between the seduction's phase and the moment when the couple is formed. Basically, the book ends with when they finally get together, we have a chapter and an epilogue that show us Magnolia and Grady as a couple...

The story isn't bad, but it's way too long. They may be the cutest people, after a time, all we want is for them to throw themselves on each other xD.

I would have liked to have had more couple scenes, where Grady is spending time with Magnolia's parents, scenes with Grady's sister, Grace, and her boyfriend Tucker (Magnolia's ex) (we can't say that there wasn't content to dig into this story arc).

The book ends with a taste of what will be Hunter's book, the Buchanan who run away from Green Valley and his curse. Sounds intruiging !

Find Karla Sorensen online
Facebook : http://bit.ly/2lU6xAS
Twitter : http://bit.ly/2khRSPL
Amazon : https://amzn.to/2k0Yp0T
Instagram : http://bit.ly/2lBNuez
Website : http://www.karlasorensen.com/

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Batter of Wits

DB05-BOW-EBOOK.jpg De Karla Sorensen (2020) - Smartypants Romance

Résumé : Hate at first sight couldn’t possibly exist, right?

That’s what Grace Buchanan thought, before her useless car stranded her on the side of a deserted road just inside the Green Valley city limits.

When Tucker Haywood—tall and handsome and full of southern charm— shows up to help, her reaction to him is the strongest thing she’s ever felt in her life, and it makes no freaking sense.

It doesn’t make much sense to Tucker either. Not why she hates him, or why he finds her so intriguing. He knows well enough that Grace is moving to Green Valley for a fresh start, not to distract him when he’s got no room for something like her in his life.

The complications between them are endless, but that doesn’t stop her definitely not love-at-first-sight feelings from changing into something else entirely.

Grace and Tucker are about to learn the hard way that in Green Valley, hating someone has never tasted so sweet.

On ne pourra pas dire que Grace et Tucker vont commencer sur un bon pied : alors qu'elle est en panne sur la route vers Green Valley, Tucker s'arrête pour l'aider et la conduit même chez sa tante, cependant le charme du sud ne prend pas du tout avec elle, au contraire, Grace espère ne plus jamais le voir !

Cela va même au delà : Grace est une Buchanan, la cousine de Levi (le héros de Baking Me Crazy), les Buchanan mâles sont tous touchés par la malédiction du coup de foudre au premier regard, et les filles ? C'est la répulsion au premier regard. Mais Green Valley ne va pas les laisser s'en sortir comme ça ! Grace et Tucker vont être tous les deux enrôlés par le comités des fêtes pour mettre en place un stand à bisous... et le travail forcé ensemble ça rapproche ^^

Outre l'atmosphère légèrement déjantée du roman, Grace et Tucker vont passer du statut d'entende cordiale à amis/confident, parce que parfois on parle plus facilement de ses soucis à quelqu'un qu'on connaît pas. Grace a compris les doutes qui rongent Tucker, alors que sa famille ne l'a pas remarqué...

J'ai bien aimé ce roman, déjà car Grace est une photographe ^^ que les challenges entre les deux héros ne tombent pas dans le cliché et qu'ils sont tout mignons en fait xD


We can't say that Grace and Tucker are starting off on the right foot : while her car has broken down on the road to Green Valley, Tucker stops to help Grace and even drives her to her aunt's house, however the southern charm get her at all, on the contrary, Grace hopes never to see him again after this !

It goes even further : Grace is a Buchanan, Levi's cousin (Baking Me Crazy), the male Buchanans are all affected by the curse of love at first sight, and girls ? It is hate at first sight. But Green Valley is not going to let them get away with it so easily ! Grace and Tucker will both be enlisted by the festival committee to set up a kisses booth... and forced labor brings them together ^^

Besides the slightly crazy atmosphere of the novel, Grace and Tucker will go from being cordial to to being friends and even confidants, because sometimes we talk more easily about their worries to someone we don't know. Grace has understood the doubts that gnaw Tucker, while his family has not noticed...

I really liked this novel, because Grace is a photographer ^^ , the challenges between the two heroes don't fall into the cliché and that they are very cute xD

Find Karla Sorensen online
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2lU6xAS
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2khRSPL
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2k0Yp0T
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lBNuez
Website: http://www.karlasorensen.com/

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