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Steal My Magnolia

StealMyMagnolia_Ebook.jpg de Karla Sorensen (2021) - SmartyPants Romance

Résumé : Life lesson from Grady Buchanan: If you're going to fall in love with the untouchable girl in town, don't hire her as your only employee. Even after he bungled the interview with Magnolia MacIntyre, he knew better than to hire her. The list of why it's a bad idea is a long one. Her father could ruin his fledgling business. She is completely overqualified. And he’s attracted to her. What does Grady do? He offers her the job.

Magnolia knew better than to take it. Normally, she'd make the safe choice, and working for Grady is anything but. He's new in town--and entirely too charming. Her dad will be furious. She hates the outdoors and working for an outdoor adventure company is not exactly the right fit. What does she do? She says yes on the spot.

Grady and Magnolia will have to prove to everyone in their life that they're not crazy. And prove to each other that the list of why it's a bad idea should be tossed out the window. For these two opposites, sometimes doing the wrong thing is exactly right.

Je suis restée un peu sur ma faim avec ce roman, j'ai trouvé qu'il était très mal équilibré entre la phase de séduction et le moment où le couple est formé. En gros, le bouquin se termine sur le moment où ils passent enfin aux choses sérieuses, on a un chapitre et un épilogue qui nous montrent Magnolia et Grady ensemble...

L'histoire est pas mauvaise, mais c'est beaucoup trop long. Ils ont beaux être choupi-chou les deux là, passé un stade on n'attend plus qu'ils se jettent l'un sur l'autre xD .

J'aurais voulu avoir plus de scènes de couple, où Grady va passer du temps avec les parents de Magnolia, des moments avec la soeur de Grady, Grace, et son copain Tucker (l'ex de Magnolia) (on peut pas dire qu'il n'y avait pas du contenu à creuser sur cet arc narratif).

Le livre se termine sur un avant-goût de ce que sera le tome de Hunter, le Buchanan qui a fuit Green Valley et sa malédiction. ça promet !

smartypants romance,karla sorensen,steal my magnolia

I was a little unsatisfied with this book, I think it wasn' very well balanced between the seduction's phase and the moment when the couple is formed. Basically, the book ends with when they finally get together, we have a chapter and an epilogue that show us Magnolia and Grady as a couple...

The story isn't bad, but it's way too long. They may be the cutest people, after a time, all we want is for them to throw themselves on each other xD.

I would have liked to have had more couple scenes, where Grady is spending time with Magnolia's parents, scenes with Grady's sister, Grace, and her boyfriend Tucker (Magnolia's ex) (we can't say that there wasn't content to dig into this story arc).

The book ends with a taste of what will be Hunter's book, the Buchanan who run away from Green Valley and his curse. Sounds intruiging !

Find Karla Sorensen online
Facebook : http://bit.ly/2lU6xAS
Twitter : http://bit.ly/2khRSPL
Amazon : https://amzn.to/2k0Yp0T
Instagram : http://bit.ly/2lBNuez
Website : http://www.karlasorensen.com/

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