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Worth the Wait

Worth-the-Wait-Generic.jpg de Karla Sorensen - SmartyPants (2022)

Résumé : You know what I don’t have time for? The brooding, dark-eyed former love of my life showing up when my life is finally settling down. I don’t have time for Hunter Buchanan and that intense look in his eyes. The way he loved me so perfectly all those years ago.

I’m the one who asked him to leave back then, my attempt at saving him from the chaos of my screwed up family. I didn’t expect him back in Green Valley, looking better than before and with an empty ring finger. And I definitely didn’t expect him to still be in love with me.

I don’t have time for the things I feel around him, or how amazing it is when he touches me. Most of all, for the broken heart I’ll have if I have to say goodbye again. I survived him leaving once before, but I don’t think I can do it again. So there’s only one thing I can make time for… staying away from Hunter Buchanan.

Cette romance est l'histoire d'une seconde chance. Iris et Hunter se sont connus très jeunes, mais n'ayant pas une grande confiance en elle et dans les sentiments d'Hunter, elle s'est éloignée de lui et l'a repoussé par peur que son histoire ne dure pas... Iris n'a pas eu une vie facile, sa mère était une relou qui faisait arnaque sur arnaque et la négligeait.

Aujourd'hui, 12 ans plus tard, Iris a la garde de son petit frère Theo depuis que leur mère est en prison, il est devenu sa priorité. Elle espère également bientôt ouvrir un magasin. Sa route va recroiser Hunter par hasard, c'est lui qui donne des cours de rattrapage à Theo pendant l'été.

Hunter revient à Green Valley après 12 ans, histoire de se ressourcer après un divorce et un changement de job. Il ne s'attendait pas à revoir Iris, son seul et grand amour. Dans cette série, les mâles Buchanan ont la malédiction du grand amour, quand ils savent qui est leur âme soeur c'est pour la vie. Pour Hunter c'était Iris depuis leur adolescence.

Ces deux-là n'ont jamais arrêté de s'aimer : Iris avait besoin de lâcher prise et se faire confiance en la vie quand elle apporte des bonnes choses, et à croire qu'Hunter serait toujours là pour elle. Hunter ne voulait pas forcer Iris à être avec lui, alors il a accepté de partir, maintenant qu'il est de retour il ne veut pas laisser passer sa chance une 2e fois, mais le plus dur sera de convaincre Iris de croire en ses sentiments.

karla sorensen,worth the wait,smartypants romance

This romance is a second chance story. Iris and Hunter met very young, but she didn't great confidence in her and in Hunter's feelings, she distanced herself from him and pushed him away for fear that their love story wouldn't last... Iris didn't have an easy life, her mother was a jerk who made scam after scam and neglected her.

Today, 12 years later, Iris has custody of her little brother Theo since their mother is in prison, he has become her priority. She also hopes to open a store soon. Her path will come across Hunter again, he is Theo's tutor during the summer school.

Hunter returns to Green Valley after 12 years to recharge after a divorce and quitting his job. He didn't expect to see Iris again, his only and great love. In this series, the Buchanan males have the curse of true love, when they know who their soulmate is, it's for life. For Hunter it had been Iris since their teenage years.

These two never stopped loving each other : Iris needed to let go and trust in life when it brings good things, and to believe that Hunter would always be there for her. Hunter didn't want to force Iris to be with him, so he agreed to leave, now that he's back he doesn't want to miss his chance a 2nd time, but the hard part will be to convince Iris to believe in his feelings.

Find Karla Sorensen online
Facebook : http://bit.ly/2lU6xAS
Twitter : http://bit.ly/2khRSPL
Amazon : https://amzn.to/2k0Yp0T
Instagram : http://bit.ly/2lBNuez
Website : http://www.karlasorensen.com/

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