Elements of Chemistry - Heat
de Penny Reid (2015).
Présentation de l'auteur : Four days left. Private beach (…and boat). Not so invisible girl. And maybe less of a jerk-faced bully than originally thought. What’s the worst (or the best) that could happen?
Kaitlyn is finding life outside of the science cabinet of obscurity to be quite illuminating …and so are her pants. When things heat up between Kaitlyn Parker and Martin—previously known as the jerk-faced bully—Sandeke, she places her trust in the one person she never thought capable of earning it, let alone keeping it safe. Fortunately or unfortunately for Kaitlyn, where she gives her trust she can’t help but also give her heart.
But how will the world beyond the sanctuary of their newfound connection react to their relationship? Soon senators, chinless billionaires, and elements beyond Martin and Kaitlyn’s control want to weigh in on the young couple’s future. Navigating the chaotic inferno of new love might be more than Kaitlyn bargained for, and much, much more than her trust—or her heart—can handle.

Après une première partie qui pose les choses en place, tant pour la relation entre Kaitlyn et Martin que l'intrigue générale... HEAT rentre dans le vif du sujet et finit sous tension !
D'un côté, on suit l'évolution de Kaitlyn et Martin, ils s'apprivoisent et apprennent à se faire confiance (même si rien n'est gagné d'avance). Petit à petit ils laissent leur passion prendre forme, et se lâchent mutuellement l'un sur l'autre ^^ *attention contenu explicite comme on dit* mais ça n'est jamais hors de propos, et Kaitlyn et Martin sont assez intelligents pour ne pas ruminer dans leur coin si ça va pas. Kaitlyn n'a jamais eu de copain et Martin jamais de relation sérieuse, alors ils sont tous les deux un peu perdus à leur manière.
De l'autre côté, on en apprend plus sur le boulot de sénateur de la maman de Kaitlyn et à quel point le père de Marin est un connard. Et dans tout ça, on va tomber sur une histoire de chantage pas bien jolie, ce qui va pousser Kaitlyn et Martin a faire des choix difficiles. Et là "pouf" ça se termine sur un situation de crise, merci Penny xD
Vivement le tome 3 CAPTURE !
After a first part that poses the relationship between Kaitlyn Martin and the overall plot ... HEAT goes right in the middle of things !
On one hand, we follow the evolution of Kaitlyn and Martin, they begin to tame and learn to trust eachother (even if nothing is won in advance). Gradually they let their passions take shape, and quickly jump on each other ^^ *Attention explicit content as they say* but it is never out of place, and Kaitlyn and Martin are smart enough to do not ruminate in their corner if something bothers them. Kaitlyn has never had a boyfriend before and Martin has never had a serious relationship, so they are both a little lost in their own way.
On the other hand, you learn more about Kaitlyn's mom being a senator and how Marin's father is an asshole. And in all this, we have a story of a blackmail, which will force Kaitlyn and Martin to make difficult choices. And then "poof" it ends in a crisis situation, thank you Penny xD
I can't wait to read part 3 CAPTURE !
Comme d'habitude, pour suivre Penny Reid :
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