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Just Folking Around

199957087_2949413755307678_1619926437602331754_n.jpg de Penny Reid (2021)

Résumé : Raquel Ezra loves to fish. With so many fish in the sea, she’s never had a problem baiting the hook or reeling them in. Raquel is a good actress, she can be anyone’s fantasy for a single night as long as they agree to be hers. Which is why she doesn’t think twice about spending an evening in nowhere Tennessee with a smokin’ hot, well-mannered, and intriguing sheriff’s deputy by the name of Jackson James.

Except, when the time comes, Raquel discovers that reality might just be better than any fantasy, and maybe she’s not ready to release this catch.

Cette novella surprise est le préquel du prochain livre de Penny Reid "Totally Folked" qui aura pour héros : Jackson James ! Personnage que l'on découvre dès Beauty and the Mustache et qui nous poursuis dans les Winston Brothers, il a enfin son histoire à lui :)

Ce préquel commence pendant le mariage de Sienna et Jethro, Raquel est une amie de Sienna, elle aussi actrice. Habituée aux grandes villes, Green Valley et son ambiance communautaire où tout le monde se connait ne lui plait pas trop. Cependant, elle est là pour faire la fête, et si en bonus elle peut passer du bon temps avec l'un des barbus qui pullulent de partout, ce serait parfait.

Cletus met alors Jackson sur le chemin de Raquel et l'attirance mutuelle est là, ils s'entendent bien, ce serait dommage de ne pas passer la soirée ensemble. Raquel est directe : elle ne veut rien de sérieux... Pour Jackson ce sera peut-être un peu plus difficile d'oublier sa rencontre avec elle...


This surprise novella is the prequel to Penny Reid's next book "Totally Folked" which will have Jackson James as its hero ! A character that we discovered in Beauty and the Mustache and who is present in the Winston Brothers books, he finally has his own story :)

This prequel begins during Sienna and Jethro's wedding, Raquel is a friend of Sienna, and also an actress. Used to big cities, Green Valley and its community atmosphere where everyone knows each other doesn't please her too much. However, she's here to party, and if she can have a good time with one of the bearded guys that swarm everywhere as an added bonus, that would be perfect.

Cletus then puts Jackson in Raquel's path and the mutual attraction is there, they get along well, it would be a shame not to spend the evening together. Raquel is clear : she doesn't want anything serious... For Jackson it might be a little more difficult to forget meeting her...

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