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Smart Mouth

202110-WFI-04-FINAL.jpg d'Emma Lee Jayne (2022) - SmartyPants Romance

Résumé : The rockstar.
There are lots of assumptions people make about rockstars. Shallow. Player. Addict. The truth? I’m none of those.
The even bigger truth…the only opinion I care about is her’s and she hates me. Her as in Gwen Matthews, my twin brother’s best friend, the unrequited love of my life. She thinks I’m a liar and a jerk which is why I pretend to be my brother when she needs help one night.
Except Gwen is a genius. Literally. So it doesn’t take her long to figure out it’s me and not my brother, but maybe, just maybe, she’s willing to give me a second chance. Because maybe when she looks at me, she only sees a rockstar with her best friend’s face, but when I look at her, I see my other half. She centers me in a way that no rhythm or line of lyric ever could.

The scientist.
I have three priorities in life at the moment: finish my research, defend my dissertation, and get my Ph.D., so that I can actually figure out what I’m supposed to do with my life. Tom Mendoza won’t help me achieve any of those things. Yet I can’t help the sudden feeling that I’ve been completely wrong about him all this time.
The day we first met when we were both teenagers, I saw a glimpse of a sweet, funny boy that felt very much like a kindred spirit; awkward and full of energy and dreams. But that guy seemed to disappear and in his place was this stereotypical stupidly hot rock star that did not make sense in my world.
Being a scientist means being willing to admit when you’re wrong and reevaluating everything. I might not understand much about human behavior, but I can clearly see the tender underbelly that Tom protects. The subtle rituals he uses to stave off his anxiety. Yes, he’s ridiculously hot, but his soul just might be more beautiful than his face and I’m not sure what to do with that.

Especially when I find out that he’s in love with me.

Gwen et Tom se connaissent depuis leur adolescence, ils s'entendaient bien et auraient pu devenir les meilleurs amis du monde (voir plus) mais voilà, les circonstances les ont séparé et ils ont fait leur vie chacun de leur côté. Jusqu'à ce que l'univers les mettent à nouveau sur le même chemin.

Complètement dépitée après un rencard horrible, Gwen appelle James à l'aide. James c'est le frère jumeau de Tom, celui avec qui elle s'entend toujours bien. Sauf que c'est Tom qui intercepte le message et qui va venir l'aider. Tom, lui a toujours eu un faible pour Gwen, mais il n'a jamais compris pourquoi elle le déteste autant. Ce soir là, Tom pensait qu'il aurait juste à ramener Gwen chez elle, et elle n'aurait jamais su qu'il n'était pas le bon frère, évidemment rien ne se passe comme prévu : ils se sont embrassé, ils ont a priori bien kiffé, mais Gwen a réalisé qui il était. Et là c'est le drame...

Gwen est toute chamboulée car pourquoi la rockstar s'intéresserait à elle, il n'a jamais voulu être son ami. Vous vous en doutez, ces deux-là vont avoir plein de mise-au-point à faire, des quiproquos qui ont été nourris en partie par James (l'autre frère). Gwen va découvrir que derrière le talent et la gloire se cache un jeune homme qui n'a jamais rêvé d'être une star, qui souffre d'anxiété, mais quelqu'un qui s'intéresse à elle et qui n'hésite pas à se battre pour elle, même quand elle n'en a plus la force.

Le seul bémol serait sur le rythme un peu rapide de l'histoire, qui aurait pu prendre un peu plus de temps, le roman est un peu court et ça n'aurait pas fait de mal d'avoir 100 pages de plus afin de donner plus de place à la partie séduction, ré-apprivoisement des deux héros.

smart mouth,emma lee jayne,smartypants romance

Gwen and Tom have known each other since they were teenagers, they got along well and could have become the best friends in the world (and more) but then, circumstances separated them and they went their own way. Until the universe puts them on the same path again.

Completely upset after a horrible date, Gwen calls James for help. James is Tom's twin brother, the one she always gets along with. Except that Tom intercepts the message and it's him who will come to help. Tom has always had a soft spot for Gwen, but he never understood why she hates him so much. That night, Tom thought he would just have to take Gwen home, and she would never have known he wasn't the right brother, of course nothing goes as planned : they kissed, they liked it, but Gwen realized who he was. And here comes the drama...

Gwen is shaken because why would the rockstar be interested in her, he never wanted to be her friend. As you can imagine, these two are going to have a lot of clarifications to do, misunderstandings that were partly fueled by James (the other brother). Gwen will discover that behind the talent and the fame hides a young man who never dreamed of being a star, who suffers from anxiety, but someone who is interested in her and who doesn't hesitate to fight for her, even when she no longer has the strength.

The only downside would be the rather fast pace of the story, which could have taken a little longer, the novel is a bit short and it wouldn't have hurt to have 100 more pages in order to give more room for the seduction part, re-taming of the two heroes.


Find Emma Lee Jayne online
Website : http://emmaleejayne.com/
Goodread s: http://bit.ly/3aWXAhO
Facebook : https://bit.ly/3aYlucC
Pinterest : http://bit.ly/3866I1W
Instagram : https://bit.ly/3523Y3x

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Heart Smart

Heart-Smart-Generic.jpgd'Emma Lee Jayne (2021) - Smartypants Romance

Résumé : Dr. Maximillian Ramsey has a problem…

I’m a jerk. Everyone I know or have ever worked with agrees. “Misanthropic asshole” is the term I hear most often. I don’t care what other people think as long as they leave me alone to focus on my research on soil microbiology. Plus, I walk with a cane thanks to a childhood accident. I have scars on my face. And if that isn’t enough to scare people off, my bad attitude and general grumpiness seal the deal. Which is just the way I like it. Except, I’ve been short listed for one of the most prestigious academic fellowships around. To win it, I’ll have to give a series of speeches. On a stage. With an audience. While being filmed.
Yeah. None of that is going to happen. Unfortunately, my boss has a plan. He brings in one of the communications lecturers to give me a “make over,” help me write the speeches, and manage my social media. But the last thing I need is some nosy, bossy, gorgeous woman meddling in my life.

And Holly is the solution…

I’m a mere communications lecturer at a prestigious research university. I’m used to being outclassed and under-educated compared to the PhDs who surround me. But I’m good at what I do. Brilliant, actually. When Max’s boss (who happens to be my ex-husband) begs me to help transform this beast of a man into someone worthy of the fellowship, I have my work cut out for me. It’ll take a lot of badgering, blatant manipulation, and some outright thievery to get Max to cooperate. All of which I handle with the enough professionalism and restraint that should earn me a fancy grant. What I can’t handle is how unexpectedly attractive I find the stubborn and brilliant man. This is a battle of wills and wits, and neither is prepared to admit defeat …

2e roman préféré sur le lot printemps 2021 des Smartypants Romance ♥

J'ai dévoré ce livre en 2 jours, j'avais simplement pas envie de le poser dès que je m'y mettais. Le couple de héros est parfait, leur histoire est très belle et le roman est bien écrit. Il y a juste ce qu'il faut d'humour, de sérieux, de challenge et d'émotion. J'avais envie de relire dès que je l'ai fini xD. C'est difficile d'écrire une review pour vous donner envie de lire, sans trop vous spoiler en vous racontant toute l'histoire.

Max est un docteur super ronchon doit préparer plusieurs présentations orales sur ses recherches afin d'obtenir un prix prestigieux, malheureusement il manque cruellement de compétences en communication et en socialisation. Il n'est pas surnommé le "connard" pour rien, entre terroriser ses étudiants et concrètement, tout les gens qu'il croise, cet exercice va être une mission impossible pour Holly, professeure en communication.

Holly est peut-être missionnée par l'université pour coacher Max, et leurs premiers échanges ont peut-être ressembler à des joutes, elle sent que Max vaut le coup et qu'il ne se résume pas à son caractère de merde. C'est le petit chat qui va venir titiller le gros grizzli et faire sortir la peluche enfermée dedans, mais attention, un chat ça aussi des griffes ;)

L'auteure est arrivée à nous peindre ses personnages, leur histoire, leur forces et faiblesses, leurs espoirs... avec justesse et je me suis toute de suite attachée à eux. Je ne peux que vous recommandé de plonger dans ce bouquin ♥


This is my 2nd favorite novel on the Spring 2021 set of Smartypants Romance ♥

I devoured this book in 2 days, I just didn't want to put it down as soon as I started reading it. The couple is perfect, their story is very beautiful and the novel is well written. There is just the right amount of humor, seriousness, challenge and emotion. I wanted to re-read as soon as I finished it xD. It's hard to write a review to make you want to read it, without spoiling you too much by telling you the whole story.

Max is a super grumpy doctor who has to prepare several oral presentations on his research in order to obtain a prestigious award, unfortunately he is sorely lacking in communication and socialization skills. He is not nicknamed "asshole" for no reason, between terrorizing his students and basically, all the people he meets, this exercise will be an impossible mission for Holly, professor of communication.

Holly may be commissioned by the University to coach Max, and their first exchanges may have looked like jousting, she senses Max is worth it and he's more than his shit character. It is the little kitty who will titillate the big grizzly bear and bring out the stuffed animal locked inside, but be careful, a cat also has claws ;)

The author managed to paint us her characters, their history, their strengths and weaknesses, their hopes ... with accuracy and I immediately became attached to them. I can only recommend you to dive into this bo
ok ♥

-Read as ARC-