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Well Acquainted

laney hatcher,well acquainted,smartypants romance de Laney Hatcher - Smartypants Romance (2022)

Résumé : There are three things you need to know about Lady Eliza Morgan:
1. In addition to being a busy physician, she’s an accomplished seamstress.
2. She’s the victim of a broken heart.
3. The man who shattered it is the one man she can never have.

Some things are better left in the past, but Eliza has spent years running from hers. When the man who upended her life re-enters it in the most unexpected way, Eliza must decide if reacquainting herself with Nicolas is worth the heartache. He’s charming and irritating and makes her realize there is so much more than the life she’s been living. But first she must confront her painful past if she and Nicolas have any hope for a future.

Après Neanderthal Seeks Duchess, c'est au tour du tome 2 de Penny Reid, Friends Without Benefits d'avoir sa réécriture en historique.

Dans le tome précédent, Lady Eliza découvrait avec surprise le visage de Nicolas dans les journaux, dans un article sur une pièce de théâtre dont il a le premier rôle. Savoir qu'il est à Londres, si près, sans nouvelles depuis des années, fait ressortir tout un passé douloureux chez Eliza. D'autant que peu de temps après, Nico frappe à la porte de son cabinet médical avec un enfant malade. Malgré son trouble, Eliza reprend sa tâche et va tour faire pour aider la fillette.

Eliza et Nico se connaissent depuis leur enfance, ils auraient pu grandir et ne plus être que des amis, mais la vie en a décidé autrement. Un drame, de mauvaises décisions et des années de silence ont eu raison du coeur d'Eliza. Elle se sent coupable de ce qui s'est passé et se refuse à imaginer qu'un coeur brisé peut se réparer. Heureusement, Nico est bien déterminé à lui prouver le contraire.

Tout comme le premier tome, j'ai beaucoup apprécié celui-ci, la façon dont Laney Hatcher s'empare de l'histoire et la réarrange à sa sauce pour en faire quelque chose de différent, mais sans trop s'éloigner de l'âme du livre originel.

Et donc évidemment, ce tome 2, nous offre un teaser du 3, et évidement, je l'attendrais avec impatience !

laney hatcher,well acquainted,smartypants romance

After Neanderthal Seeks Duchess, it's the turn of Penny Reid's book #2, Friends Without Benefits to have its rewrite in history romance.

In the previous volume, Lady Eliza was surprised to discover Nicolas' face in the newspapers, in an article about a play in which he had the leading role. Knowing that he is in London, so close, without news for years, brings out a whole painful past in Eliza. Especially since shortly after, Nico knocks on her medical office's door with a sick child. Despite her confusion, Eliza resumes her task and goes out of her way to help the little girl.

Eliza and Nico have known each other since they were kids, they could have grown up and been more than friends, but life decided otherwise. Tragedy, bad decisions and years of silence have taken a toll on Eliza's heart. She feels guilty for what happened and refuses to imagine that a broken heart can be repaired. Fortunately, Nico is determined to prove her wrong.

Like the first book, I enjoyed this one a lot, the way Laney Hatcher takes the story and rearranges it in her own way to make it something different, but without straying too far from the soul of the original book.

And so obviously, this book offers us a teaser of the 3, and obviously, I would be waiting for it impatiently !

Find Laney online
Facebook: https://bit.ly/3HkhbFE
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/laney.hatcher/
TikTok: https://bit.ly/3CwREcY
Website: https://laneyhatcher.com/
Goodreads: https://bit.ly/3EHkQeN
Pinterest: https://bit.ly/32G5BG8
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/laneyhatcher

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