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Ewe Complete Me

CT06-NIX-FINAL-EBOOK.jpg de Susannah Nix - SmartyPants Romance (2023)

Résumé : Chloe and Brandon have nothing in common. She’s a spontaneous, people-loving fiber artist; he’s an uptight, introverted law student. The only thing they agree on during their blind date is that they hope to never see each other again.

Except they do have something in common—Brandon’s mother Dawn, who happens to be Chloe’s boss and dear friend. Which is how they end up stuck with each other for a six-hour road trip to Dawn’s destination wedding.

But as they get to know each other better, their mutual irritation morphs into an inescapable connection. Maybe these two opposites aren't so mismatched after all. Could Brandon be the yin to Chloe’s yang? The peanut butter to her jelly? The rock to her roll?

Or will their differences tear them apart when they return to their normal lives at the end of the wedding weekend?

Note : 4/5 ♥♥♥♥

J'ai beaucoup aimé cette romance sur une proximité forcée, certes Chloe et Bran tombent tous les deux amoureux très rapidement, mais ils discutent beaucoup et nombreuses sont les scènes de dialogues qui reflètent leur alchimie.

Tout commence avec une blind date qui tourne mal, les premières impressions de chacun ne sont pas les meilleures, ils sont l'opposé de l'autre dans tout. Cependant, l'univers est bien fait car Chloe travaille pour Dawn, qui est la mère de Bran. Dawn va bientôt se marier, la fête se situe à plusieurs heures de route, et Bran se propose de covoiturer Chloe, lorsqu'ils découvrent chacun qui ils sont.

Au fur et à mesure des heures qui passent, Chloe et Bran vont s'apprivoiser, se livrer un peu de plus en plus, sur leur vie, leurs projets, leurs difficultés... Et les premières impressions négatives s'envolent pour laisser place à 2 personnalités, toujours très différentes, mais qui se comprennent. Quoi de mieux qu'une fête de mariage pour tenter le rapprochement des corps ?

On peut qualifier Chloe et Bran de couple rempli de choupitude. Un très bon moment de lecture.

ewe complete me,susannah nix,smartypants romance

I really liked this romance about forced proximity, certainly Chloe and Bran both fall in love very quickly, but they talk a lot and there are many dialogue scenes that reflect their chemistry.

It all starts with a blind date gone wrong, their first impressions aren't the best, they are the opposite of each other in everything. However, the universe is great because Chloe works for Dawn, who is Bran's mother. Dawn is getting married soon, the party is several hours away, and Bran offers to carpool with Chloe when they each discover who they are.

As the hours pass, Chloe and Bran become more familiar with each other, opening up a little more about their lives, their projects, their difficulties... And the first negative impressions disappear to make way to 2 personalities, always very different, but who understand each other. What's better than a wedding party to try to bring their body together ?

We can say that Chloe and Bran are a couple full of cuteness. We spend a very good time reading this book.

Find Susannah Nix online
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B072KHZS5W
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susannahnix/
Facebook Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/160037207970579/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/susannah-nix
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susannahnixauthor/
Twitter: @Susannah_Nix
Website: https://www.susannahnix.com/

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Not Since Ewe

Not-Since-Ewe-Generic.jpg de Susannah Nix - Smartypants Romance (2022)

Résumé : Tess McGregor doesn’t need anyone. So what if she doesn’t have any close friends or family anymore? Her successful consulting business keeps her so busy she barely has time to be lonely. She’s got her life organized exactly the way she wants it.

Until the daughter she gave up for adoption 30 years ago tracks her down. Tess doesn’t know anything about being a mother, but now that she’s met Erin, she’ll do anything to stay in her life. Even if it means facing the life-ruining jerk who got Tess pregnant in high school and broke her heart.

Donal Larkin would do anything for a second chance. He’s divorced, his kids hardly talk to him, and he works so much he barely has time to eat. But when he’s united with the daughter he never had a chance to know, he vows to make up for past mistakes.

Step one is proving to Tess he’s not the same unreliable kid she knew 30 years ago. And maybe if he’s lucky he can win back the heart of the girl he never got over…

Je vous préviens, il faut vous préparer à lire une romance chargée en émotions, avec la famille au coeur de cette romance.

La vie de Tess est complètement chamboulée le jour où elle reçoit un message de sa fille, Erin, celle qu'elle donné à l'adoption 30 ans plus tôt. N'ayant pas eu d'autres enfants et étant pour le moment célibataire, Tess va devoir faire face à tout un tas de nouveaux sentiments, de stress et de doute.

En plus de cela, c'est à elle d'aller annoncer à Donal, le papa biologique d'Erin, que sa fille veut le rencontrer. Donal et Tess étaient adolescents quand ils se sont connus et eu leur quelques mois de romance... Malheureusement, rien ne les aurait préparé à être parents si jeunes : Donal n'était pas un garçon fiable dans ses engagement, Tess trop concentrée sur ses études.

Aujourd'hui, 30 ans après, Tess et Donal ont beaucoup à se dire, beaucoup de souvenirs à éclaircir, mais aussi des sentiments à s'avouer et une étincelle reprenant vie à gérer. Car une chose est certaine, ces deux-là n'ont jamais arrêter de s'aimer malgré tout une vie qui les a séparé.

Pour celles et ceux qui désespèrent de trouver des romances avec des quasi cinquantenaires, ce livre est pour vous. Très bien écrit, l'auteur aborde le sujet de l'abandon et de l'adoption sans en faire un sujet uniquement triste. Les deux héros ont fait ce qu'ils ont pu avec ce qu'ils avaient, cette romance n'est pas l'histoire de la fille voulant rencontrer ses parents, mais des parents qui se recroisent et renouent une relation car tous deux souhaitent rencontrer leur fille. Erin est juste un prétexte et un contexte, elle n'est pas là pour causer les obstacles, Tess et Donal s'en chargent très bien tous seuls.

susannah nix,not since ewe,smartypants romance

I'm warning you, you have to be prepared to read this emotionally charged novel, with family at the heart of this romance.

Tess' life is completely turned upside down the day she receives a message from her daughter, Erin, the one she gave up for adoption 30 years ago. Having had no other children and being single for the moment, Tess will have to deal with a whole lot of new feelings, stress and doubt.

On top of that, it's up to her to go tell Donal, Erin's biological dad, that his daughter wants to meet him. Donal and Tess were teenagers when they met and had their few months of romance... Unfortunately, nothing would have prepared them to be parents so young : Donal was not a reliable boy, Tess too focused on her studies.

Today, 30 years later, Tess and Donal have a lot to say to each other, a lot of memories to clarify, but also feelings to confess and a spark coming back to life to manage. Because one thing is certain, these two have never stopped loving each other despite being separated by a life.

For those who are desperate to find romances with near fifty-year-olds, this book is for you. Very well written, the author addresses the subject of abandonment and adoption without making it a sad subject. The two heroes did what they could with what they had, this romance is not the story of the girl wanting to meet her parents, but of the parents who meet again and renew a relationship because they both want to meet their daughter. Erin is just a pretext and a context, she is not there to cause the obstacles, Tess and Donal take care of it very well on their own.

Find Susannah Nix online
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/-/e/B072KHZS5W
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/susannahnix/
Facebook Reader Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/160037207970579/
Bookbub: https://www.bookbub.com/profile/susannah-nix
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/susannahnixauthor/
Twitter: @Susannah_Nix
Website: https://www.susannahnix.com/

Connect with Smartypants Romance
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2kvDnb4
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2lzyduO
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2lGdIMQ
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Mad About Ewe

Mad-About-Ewe-Generic.jpg de Susannah Nix (2021) Smartypants Romance

Résumé : Dawn Botstein is doing just fine after her divorce, thank you very much. She’s got her yarn store to run, her house to herself for the first time in her life, and no use for men anymore. That is until the hottie silver fox who walks into her store turns out to be her old high school crush—the guy who rejected her 30 years ago.

No way is she going to lose her head over him this time, no matter how well he wears that salt-and-pepper lumberjack beard. Okay, so he’s the opposite of her ex in every way, and his attention gives her a thrill she thought she’d never feel again. She’s not risking her heart again.

Mike Pilota is having a mid-life crisis. Only instead of buying a red sports car he can’t afford and dressing like a 25-year-old who’s time-traveled from the 1990s, he quit his job after his second divorce to move closer to his recently widowed mother.

He didn’t expect to run into Dawn again, but as soon as he lays eyes on her he’s utterly smitten. So he sets out to make up for past mistakes and prove he can be the kind of man she deserves.

But is it too late for second chances? Or will these two lonely hearts find a way back to each other ?

J'imagine que ma note est peut-être biaisée : on lit tellement de romance avec des héros de 25 ans, que lorsqu'on en découvre une avec des quarantenaires on en profite à fond xD

Dawn et Mike ont eu chacun une première vie et viennent tout juste de commencer une nouvelle étape. Dawn profite de son célibat après son divorce et prend plaisir à s'occuper de son magasin de laine ; Mike, aussi divorcé, retourne dans sa ville natale pour s'occuper de sa mère après le décès de son père. Tous les deux étaient au lycée ensemble : elle était folle amoureuse de lui, mais lui était un ptit con à cet âge-là et ne voulait pas être vu avec elle (même s'il l'aimait bien)... 30 ans plus, ils se recroisent par hasard et c'est électrique, comme s'ils étaient 2 ados !

Même en étant tous les deux célibataires et très motivés à se donner une chance, il y a quand même des aléas de vie qui n'aident pas et des fragilités personnelles qui ne sont pas évidentes à surmonter quand elles sont ancrées depuis des décennies. Dawn et Mike vont se porter l'un l'autre pour arriver à se libérer des derniers freins qu'ils se mettaient et enfin vivre pleinement (dans tous les sens du terme).

Une romance qui fait du bien et qui montre que des gens de 45 ans peuvent aussi être des héros de romance sexy ^^


I guess that my rating may be biased : we read so much romance with 25-year-old heroes, that when we discover one with 40-something, we take full advantage of it xD

Dawn and Mike had lived their first lives and have just started a new step. Dawn enjoys her celibacy after her divorce and takes pleasure in running her wool store ; Mike, also divorced, returns to his hometown to care for his mother after the death of his father. The two of them were in high school together : she had a massive crush on him, but he was a jerk at that time and didn't want to be seen with her (even though he liked her)... 30 years later, they meet again by chance and it's electric, as if they were back being teenagers !

Even being both single and very motivated to give each other a chance, there are still life events that do not help and personal weaknesses that are not easy to overcome when they have been embed for decades. Dawn and Mike are going to support each other to free themselves from their last brakes and finally live fully (in every sense of the word).

A feel good romance that shows that 45-year-olds can also be sexy romance heroes ^^