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Peaches and Dreams

2023-GVH04-CROSS-FINAL copy.jpg De Juliette Cross - SmartyPants Romance (2023)

Résumé : Marly Rivers is not crazy. No matter what everyone says. They may think her dream is foolish, but she plans to prove them all wrong—one jar of moonshine at a time.

Single dad Wade Kelley is just fine. No matter what his best friend Jed says. He doesn’t need a woman in his life. But when his son Jake breaks a jar of moonshine, he sets something in motion that neither Wade nor Marly are prepared for.

A friendly favor turns into late nights, long dinners, and a romp in the woods. And in a deer stand too. By the time Wade realizes he’s fallen hard and deep for Mad Marly, it may be too late to tell her. When she falls into real and sudden danger with poachers, he may not even be able to save her.

Note : 4/5 ♥♥♥♥

Marly et Wade vivent dans 2 mondes différents : Marly est imprévisible, spontanée et a ce petit grain de folie qui surprend la plupart des gens, on l'appelle d'ailleurs Mad Marly. Marly a un rêve, gagner le 1er prix du concours de moonshine de Green Valley et ouvrir ensuite sa propre distillerie. Cependant, Marly souffre de voir son père dénigrer ses projets car elle ne rentre pas dans la case qu'il souhaiterait...
Wade est un nounours grognon toujours préparé à toutes les éventualités, il élève seul son fils de 7 ans et leur vie est faite de routine. Malgré cela, Wade se sent parfois dépassé et ne sait pas s'il est le père idéal.

Ces deux-là n'auraient pas vraiment pu se croiser, mais l'univers fait bien les choses, la meilleure amie de Marly est la copine du meilleur pote de Wade. Et quand Marly apprend que le grand-père de Wade possède un cabanon/distillerie artisanale dans la montagne, elle n'hésite pas à demander à s'en servir pour le concours et Wade ne peut que l'aider à s'installer correctement.

Plus ils sont en contact et plus leur attirance prend de l'ampleur, jusqu'à ce qu'ils cèdent tous deux à leurs sentiments. Marly fait sortir Wade de sa zone de confort et Wade apporte une stabilité à Marly, leurs différences les complètent. Il devient évident qu'ils sont fait l'un pour l'autre ♥

peaches and dreams,juliette cross,smartypants romance

Marly and Wade live in 2 different worlds : Marly is unpredictable, spontaneous and has this little whim that surprises most people, they called her Mad Marly. Marly has a dream, it's to win 1st prize in the Green Valley moonshine competition and then open her own distillery. However, Marly suffers from seeing her father denigrate her projects because she doesn't fit into his idea what she needs to be...
Wade is a grumpy teddy bear always prepared for all eventualities, he raises his 7 year old son alone and their life is all routine. Despite this, Wade sometimes feels overwhelmed and unsure if he is the ideal father.

These two couldn't really have crossed paths, but the universe has its plan, Marly's best friend is Wade's best friend's girlfriend. And when Marly learns that Wade's grandfather owns a cabin/artisanal distillery in the mountain, she doesn't hesitate to ask to use it for the competition and Wade can only help her set up properly.

The more they are in contact, the more their attraction grows, until they both give in to their feelings. Marly takes Wade out of his comfort zone and Wade brings stability to Marly, their differences complement them. It becomes clear that they are made for each other ♥

Find Juliette Cross online
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/juliettecrossauthor
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Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Juliette-Cross/e/B00MQ18Z1W/
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Website: https://www.juliettecross.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7795664.Juliette_Cross
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Look Smart

20221206-LOOKSMART-WORKING.jpg d'Aly Stiles - SmartyPants Romance (2023)

Résumé : Nate Hanover’s future was set. The perfect girlfriend, the perfect career… He’s the perfect man with the perfect life—until he lost it all this summer. Now he’s not sure about anything, except that no one can know the truth lurking behind his “perfect” facade. Especially not at this week’s high-stakes corporate circus known as Tele-Con.

Natalie McAllister has no time for games. After working nonstop since… ever, she’s one win away from the dream promotion she’s been chasing for years. All she has to do is land the Sandeke Telecom account at this week’s telecom conference and life will be perfect.

But when a chance encounter leads these strangers to an incredible night of intimate soul-searching, “perfect” might look different than they thought. With so much on the line, it’s a good thing they’ll never see each other again. Well, not until the following morning when they learn they’re competing for the same account, their firms despise each other, and a nut-obsessed enigma named Chad Smith is the key to their success. Oh, plus their forbidden connection is still fully charged and more off-limits than ever.

What could go wrong when the perfect night explodes into the perfect storm?

Note : 4/5 ♥♥♥♥

J'ai beaucoup adoré cette romance, elle met en scène 2 héros qui vont se raconter toute leur vie, leurs blessures, leurs rêves... Pensant qu'ils ne se reverrons plus, ils sont plus honnêtes et sincères l'un envers l'autres qu'avec leur proches. Ces deux êtres connectent bien au-delà de l'attirance physique, à tel point qu'ils passent la nuit à parler et s'endorment tout habillés.

Evidemment le lendemain, ils se retrouvent au même séminaire professionnel, ils travaillent tous les deux pour des entreprises concurrentes et doivent chacun décrocher un contrat avec le même client.

Nate et Nathalie sont tous les deux à une période charnière de leur vie quand il se rencontrent, ils n'osent pas l'évoquer avec leurs amis, du coup l'opportunité de parler à coeur ouvert avec un/une inconnu(e) est comme une parenthèse dans le temps. Ils se disent, que parce qu'ils ne se croiseront plus après cette soirée, autant tout donner. Cette rencontre va aussi être le point de départ d'une remise en question personnelle et professionnelle. Nate et Nathalie sont-il vraiment dans le job de leur rêve, sont-il prêts à laisser passer une histoire l'un avec l'autre, y'a-t-il du sens derrière Chad et sa créature mi-sirène mi-cacahuète ?...

Oui parce que c'était bien sérieux jusqu'à maintenant, alors ajoutons un peu de Chad dans cette histoire et secouons, nous nous retrouvons avec des dialogues surréalistes et des situations absurdes, qui contraste avec la profondeur de cette romance.

J'ai trouvé que l'auteur avait bien décrit l'état dépressif de Nate, car il faut pas se leurrer, ce personnage est en train de tomber dans la dépression la tête la première. Et ce n'est pas Nathalie qui va l'en sortir, mais plutôt l'aider à en prendre conscience et qu'il peut demander de l'aide.

aly stiles,look smart,smartypants romance

I really loved this romance, it features 2 heroes who will tell each other their whole lives, their wounds, their dreams... Thinking that they will never see each other again, they are more honest and sincere than with their loved ones. These two beings connect well beyond physical attraction, so much so that they spend the night talking and fall asleep fully clothed.

Of course the next day, they find themselves at the same professional seminar, they both work for competing companies and must each win a contract with the same client.

Nate and Nathalie are both at a pivotal time in their lives when they meet, they don't dare mention it with their friends, so the opportunity to talk openly with a stranger is like a parenthesis in time. They think that, because they won't meet again after this evening, they might as well tell everything. This meeting will also be the starting point for personal and professional questioning. Are Nate and Natalie really in their dream job, are they ready to let go of a story with each other, is there any meaning behind Chad and his half-mermaid half-peanut creature ?...

Yes because it was very serious until now, so let's add a little Chad in this story and shake, we find ourselves with surreal dialogues and absurd situations, which contrasts with the depth of this romance.

I found that the author had described Nate's depressive state well, because make no mistake, this character is falling head first into depression. And it's not Nathalie who's going to get him out of it, but rather help him realize it and that he can ask for help.

Find Aly Stiles online
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Website: http://www.alystiles.com/
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Letter late than ever

202212-GVH03-CONNOLLY-EBOOK copy.jpg de Lauren Connolly - SmartyPants Romance (2023)

Résumé : Can a hot paramedic resuscitate this mail woman’s flatlining spirit of adventure?

Gwen Elsmere fell in love with Sebastian Kirkwood when she was sixteen, but a dead frog stole her chance to land the guy of her daydreams. Ten years later, when Gwen makes a desperate 9-1-1 call, Sebastian re-enters her life as the first paramedic on the scene. Unfortunately, she’s smeared in blood, and he’s engaged to another woman. The awkward rescue is far from the passionate reunion she’d secretly hoped for. Still, Gwen’s brief transformation from postal worker to neighborhood hero has her reevaluating her cautious nature.

If she can save a woman’s life, why can’t she change her own?

As Gwen challenges herself with adventures, big and small, she discovers an unlikely sidekick in her former crush. Sebastian reveals glimpses of the goofy teenager who first made her swoon, but there are shadows behind his eyes she wants to shine a light on. When Gwen discovers the sexy EMT is not as spoken for as everyone in Green Valley believes, she dares to hope for a second chance to risk her heart. But even as a chemist cat, drag queens, and glitter beards reward her new outgoing nature, secrets, pain, and fear threaten to snuff out her courageous spirit.

Gwen will have to decide if Sebastian and she are better late than never or better never together.

Note : 4/5 ♥♥♥♥

L'histoire de Gwen et Sebastian est vraiment adorable tout en ayant une profondeur un peu dramatique. Ils se sont connus au lycée, étaient les meilleurs amis du monde, mais un malheureux concours de circonstances a conduit à un acte manqué : Sebastian est allé au bal de promo avec une autre fille, ce fut la fin du monde pour Gwen...

Des années plus tard, Gwen et Sebastian se recroisent, leur lien d'amitié n'a jamais disparu, ni leur crush respectif d'ailleurs qui reprend vie. Cependant, un problème majeur se pose : Gwen (et tout Green Valley) pense que que Sebastian est fiancé, en réalité cela fait des mois qu'il a rompu mais la famille de la nana n'est pas au courant car ce n'est jamais le bon moment pour le dire. N'y tenant plus, Sebastian révèle le secret à Gwen, et tout deux démarre alors leur romance cachés (jamais une bonne idée...).

En plus du côté assez fun de la romance, qui n'est pas bien compliquée et pour laquelle les héros ne perdent pas leur temps, on découvre des personnages avec des blessures personnelle : Gwen, depuis la mort de sa grand-mère, n'arrive plus à accepter qu'il lui arrive des bonnes choses et que cela durera, elle s'imagine donc que son histoire avec Sebastian aura une date de fin et qu'il retournera de toute façon avec l'ex-fiancée ; Sebastian, lui souffre de crise d'angoisse dont les causes sont multiples, il pense par erreur que qu'il a besoin de Gwen pour aller mieux.

Avant de pouvoir être ensemble pleinement, ces deux-là ont des choses à régler avec eux-mêmes.

Si on ajoute à l'histoire un adorable chaton et des frères et sœurs totalement barrés, on se retrouve avec une romance pas trop mal, qu'on aurait pu lire d'une traite si le boulot ne venait pas s'incruster sur nos journées ^^.

letter late than ever,lauren connolly,smartypants romance

Gwen and Sebastian's story is really adorable while having a bit of dramatic depth. They met in high school, were best friends, but an unfortunate set of circumstances led to a misstep : Sebastian went to prom with another girl, it was the end of the world for Gwen...

Years later, Gwen and Sebastian meet again, their bond of friendship has never disappeared, nor their respective crush for each other which comes back to life. However, a major problem arises : Gwen (and all of Green Valley) thinks that Sebastian is engaged, in reality it's been months since he broke up but the girl's family doesn't know because it's never the right time to tell them. Unable to stand it any longer, Sebastian reveals the secret to Gwen, and the two of them then start their hidden romance (that's never a good idea...).

In addition to the rather fun side of the romance, which is not very complicated and for which they do not waste their time, we discover characters with personal wounds : since the death of her grandmother, Gwen isn't able to accept that good things can happen to her and that they can last, so she imagines that her affair with Sebastian will have an end date and that he will go back to his ex-fiancée anyway ; Sebastian suffers from an anxiety attack whose causes are multiple, he mistakenly thinks that he needs Gwen to get better.

Before they can be together fully, these two have some things to sort out with themselves.

If we add to the story an adorable kitten and totally crazy brothers and sisters, we end up with a good romance, which we could have read in one sitting if our job did not get embedded in our days. ^^.

Find Lauren online
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@laurenconnollyromance
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