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Hopelessly Devoted

piper sheldon,hopelessly devoted,smartypants romancepar Piper Sheldon (2021) SmartyPants Romance

Résumé : Skip has one goal: retrieve his romantically reckless best friend from Green Valley, Tennessee and get back to their normal life. Then Skip meets Jack. The handsome and caring stranger is just another distraction from his careful plans.

Jack has dealt with more than his fair share of troubled men and is done with letting his guard down. When he meets walking red flag, Skip, he knows he should run the opposite direction and ignore their chaotic attraction.

Only, fate seems to have other plans when they are stuck on a camping trip together. Jack and Skip are convinced they can put their attraction aside and focus on helping their friends.
One quick trip, one shared tent, what could possibly go wrong?

Pourquoi les romances les plus hot et sexy sont des novella qui ne font qu'une centaines de pages xD ? Pourquoi ???

Skip et Jack, on les croise dans les tomes précédents chacun de leur côté (le 1er dans le tome 3 juste avant et le 2e dans le tome 1). Alors que Sanders court après Roxie (The One That I Want), Skip le suit de mauvaise grâce, sûr qu'il devra réparer les pots cassés après le passage de cette tornade... Un soir dans un bar gay, il va faire une crise d'angoisse ; et Jack qui l'avait repéré de loin, va l'aider à passer ce mauvais moment. Puis les étincelles fusent, et ça se fini en bisous torrides dans dans la ruelle sombre.

Quelques jours plus tard, ils se retrouvent tous accompagnateurs d'un groupe d'adolescent pour une virée camping. Entre faire leur boulot et lutter contre leur attraction mutuelle, ils ne s'en sortent plus xD...

Piper Sheldon a un don pour rendre des scènes d'une sexitude pas possible, alors qu'il se passe pas grande chose xD. Le MM n'est pas forcément le genre vers lequel je vais aller, mais quand c'est aussi bien écrit, ça fait encore plus swooner que d'autres romances FM...

Seul regret de ne pas avoir eu un livre à part entière plutôt qu'une novella, mais quand on a un nouveau Piper Sheldon, on le prend ^^

piper sheldon,hopelessly devoted,smartypants romance

Why are the hottest and sexiest romances, novellas that are only a hundred pages long xD ? Why ???

We've meet Skip and Jack in the previous books, each on their own (the 1st in Book 3 just before and the 2nd in Book 1). As Sanders runs after Roxie (The One That I Want), Skip reluctantly follows him, sure that he will have to mend the damage after the passage of the tornado... One evening in a gay bar, he is having an anxiety attack ; and Jack who had spotted him from afar, help him through this bad time. Then the sparks fly, and it ends up in hot kisses in a dark alley.

A few days later, they find themselves accompanying a group of teenagers for a camping trip. Between doing their job and fighting against their mutual attraction, they don't see the end of it...

Piper Sheldon has a knack for making very sexy scenes, when nothing much is going on xD. MM is not necessarily the genre I'm reading, but when it's this well written, it's even more swooning than other FM romances...

My only regret is not having had a full-fledged book rather than a novella, but when you have a new Piper Sheldon, you take it ^^


Find Piper Sheldon online
Facebook: http://bit.ly/2lAvr8A
Twitter: http://bit.ly/2kxkioK
Amazon: https://amzn.to/2kx2RVn
Instagram: http://bit.ly/2lxxV7H
Website: http://bit.ly/2kitH3H

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